Aquarius Lunation · Second Quarter

by Silvianne K. Delmars | Feb 5, 2025 |



Our lunation week begins with a deeply focused Second Quarter Moon in earthy Taurus on February 5 and ends with a change-supporting Leo Full Moon on February 12. Here are the highlights (all times in PST).



Wednesday, February 5


The Second Quarter Moon at 16 Taurus 46, with change-agent Uranus nearby, squares the Sun in Aquarius just after midnight. Completing a wide T-square, asteroid Vesta in Scorpio brings added emphasis to the strong energies of deep self-exploration at this first turning point in our Aquarius lunation.

As we evaluate the intentions we set at the visionary Aquarius New Moon, we are asked to pay close attention to the wisdom of our body, and the body of Earth, which may both be trying to speak to us in new and unusual ways. Vesta urges us to listen from the innermost recesses of our hearts, and to take the time required to follow through on what we learn.

As these months of foundational change explode all around us, the next test in our cosmic-boot-camp initiation of learning to anchor our highest spiritual ideals deep into everyday reality is here. Are we willing to tend the flame of deep self-examination over this coming week, in preparation for the burst of creative sovereignty awaiting us at the Leo Full Moon?


Thursday, February 6


The Moon goes out of bounds today, meeting-up with Jupiter at 11 Gemini 17. Look for them high in the evening sky, forming a line with fiery red Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull constellation. The beautiful starry cloud of the Pleiades will be nearby. Jupiter’s expansion of creative mind in shape-shifting Gemini is a powerful lead-in to the transformational, visionary alignment of Neptune with the North Node, exact later this evening at 28 Pisces 09.

This is a powerful timing, which will continue to reverberate in the challenging months and years ahead. Time to dream into your most heart-opening vision for a world transformed by the reality of ecstatic connection with Divine Mother Love. The portal connecting us to a more beautiful, life-giving future is wide open, waiting to be activated by the calling of our collective soul in this timeless, alchemical moment.


Friday, February 7


Look for the waxing gibbous Moon this evening, high in the sky towards the southeast, still near a very bright Jupiter. The Moon will lie in between Capella, in the Chariot constellation, and red Betelgeuse, marking the shoulder of Orion. They will set several hours after midnight.

Leo overstory synodic cycle Venus continues to be high and bright in the evening sky, heading towards her maximum brightness next week. Saturn, although much dimmer, is still visible below her, sinking towards the horizon. This is such an amazing time to tune in to the night sky, both visually and energetically, as four of the five visible planets continue to show themselves among the stars.

Venus opened the brown chakra portal last week when she met with the waxing crescent Moon in Pisces (at the almost exact same degree and minute of yesterday’s Neptune conjunction with the North Node!). The planet of the sacred feminine has now moved into pioneering Aries, encouraging us to open ourselves to cosmic inspiration, as we translate the new, expanded frequencies into heart-centered action.


Saturday, February 8


Tonight and tomorrow evening the waxing gibbous Moon, reaching its extreme out of bounds north position today, can be found with Mars, near Castor and Pollux, the bright stars of the Twin constellation. Tonight, the Moon will be slightly above Mars, and tomorrow it will be nestled in right next to this pair of gatekeeper stars, pointing us towards the potent Galactic Edge. What new information might be available from the magical Moon-Mars activation of this generative portion of the sky? Tune in to find out!


Sunday, February 9


Sagittarius overstory Mercury, currently in its psychopomp phase, is meeting with the Sun in Aquarius early this morning. In this stage of its journey, while invisible to us on the other side of the Sun, Mercury acts as a guide for souls as they traverse their own underworld journey. What evolutionary cosmic transmissions are being made available to us, as we continue our deeper soul-search for truth and meaning?

Sacred masculine Mars, in the birth and emergence phase of his 25-months Cancer overstory synodic cycle, has his exact meeting with the Moon today at 18 Cancer 19. A time for feeling into the toddler expression of this sensitive, heart-attuned version of the authentic masculine, as we explore a new collective archetypal story.

Amplifying the energy of this initiatory timing, retrograde Mars will be trining Saturn in Pisces, longing to bring its heart-based spiritual connection into more concrete form.


Monday, February 10


As the Moon goes back in bounds today, Mars will be reaching its own extreme out of bounds north position. An encouragement to go beyond accepted norms, as the planet of the archetypal masculine continues his journey of exploration into the watery depths of nurturing Cancer.

Combined with Mercury in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus this morning, the instructions couldn’t be more clear. Definitely time to bring in new, eclectic ideas to enhance our sense of personal freedom, while remaining firmly grounded in the joyous delights of earthy reality. A good day to push our comfort zone and try something new, just for fun.


Tuesday, February 11


Continuing this week’s seemingly non-stop eccentrically Uranian activation, the Sun in Aquarius will be squaring Uranus in Taurus late this morning. What better time than now to banish all the outer – and inner! – voices telling you you’re not okay, just the way you are?

In a mainstream culture dominated by slavish, brainwashed conformity to artificially created fads and trends, promoted by the infotainment industry and heavily laced with agendas of fear and separation, the power of giving yourself permission to swim against the tide cannot be overestimated. Embrace your weirdness – it is actually your most potent super-power.

In preparation for tomorrow’s exact Full Moon, look for the star Regulus tonight, near the Moon in the Lion constellation, at the beginning of the head of the Lion. Tomorrow, when the Moon and Regulus are closest, the star may be lost in the Moon’s bright light.


Wednesday, February 12


We end our lunation week with the Moon at 24 Leo 06, opposite to the Sun in Aquarius, exact at 5:43 am, in a close square to Uranus in Taurus. This Full Moon is receiving galactic transmissions from royal star Regulus, the heart of the Lion constellation. This is such a beautiful, powerful invitation to enter fully into our deepest sense of personal creativity and the reality of our identity as true sovereign beings. The process starts with having the courage to love ourselves, deeply and unconditionally.

We are stardust in form, walking consciously through a world in transition. Our souls chose to be here at this incredible, magical time, as the old falls away in preparation for something altogether different, and definitely more life-expanding, to be born.

It is not only our cosmic birth-right, but our most deeply held, soul-fuelled responsibility, to show up to the best of our ability in each moment, to radiate the joy and expansive love we already are.  May the enthusiastic light of this Leo Full Moon guide you unerringly as you travel the path!


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