by Silvianne K. Delmars | Feb 12, 2025 |
Our lunation week begins with a vibrant Leo Full Moon on February 12 and ends with a Last Quarter Moon in truth-seeking Sagittarius on February 20. Here are the highlights (all times in PST).
Wednesday, February 12
The Full Moon at 24 Leo 06 is illuminated by the Sun in Aquarius, exact at 5:43 am, in a close square to Uranus in Taurus. The Moon is with royal star Regulus, the heart of the Lion constellation, calling us to courageously embrace our birthright as divine co-creators. Take time to acknowledge and celebrate all that is now coming to fullness, flowing from the intentions set during the dark of the Aquarius New Moon at the end of January.
What creative sparks – new projects, new ways of being – warrant our continuing time and attention over the weeks and months to come? This Leo Full Moon invites us to honor the unfailing wisdom of our unquenchable inner fire by paying close attention to what most ignites our passionate enthusiasm. The abiding light of our most heartfelt desire is meant to be a torch held high, illuminating our path through the challenges of the coming months.
Thursday, February 13
Sagittarius overstory Mercury, now in its psychopomp phase on the other side of the Sun, is entering Pisces early tomorrow morning, marking its third sign change in this 4-month synodic cycle. Truth-seeking Mercury in Sagittarius, skilled in direct, fiery, intuitive knowing, is about to enter the more emotional, cosmic waters of numinous Pisces. A good time to switch our own communication frequency dial, as we embrace inner stillness to listen for heart-centered messages from the depths.
Friday, February 14
Leo overstory Venus, at the crown chakra gate in her evening star ascent phase, is reaching her maximum brightness today. Look for her in the west after sunset, with dimmer Saturn hanging below. Venus will begin to sink towards the horizon over the next weeks, heading towards her metamorphic, quick-change phase in preparation for a whole new synodic cycle beginning at the end of March.
Asteroid goddess Ceres, following close behind messenger Mercury, joins the Sun today off the world stage, offering her cathartic story of grief and rage, along with the supportive power of the archetypal Great Mother, provider of nourishment and new life. For more info, see this month’s Full Moon article.
Saturday, February 15
In addition to Venus and Saturn in the west, both Jupiter and Mars continue to dominate the night sky this week, pointing us toward the potent region of the sky near the Galactic edge (opposite to the thick band of stars at the heart of the Milky Way).
Bright Jupiter, in the midst of its year-long passage through shape-shifting Gemini, is hanging out in the Bull Constellation, already high in the sky at sunset and setting a few hours after midnight. Look for fiery red royal star Aldebaran, the eye of the bull, nearby.
Rising in late afternoon, Mars in Cancer is near Castor and Pollux, the bright stars of the Twin constellation, visible all night until almost dawn. The planet of the sacred masculine is still in the birth and emergence phase of his 25-months long Cancer overstory synodic cycle that began in mid-January.
Monday, February 17
Rising before midnight last night and traveling the night sky through dawn, the waning gibbous Moon is very close to Spica, visible this morning looking towards the southeast. (Observers in some parts of the world, including parts of Polynesia and South America, may be able to see an actual occultation).
This is a powerful activation, urging us to tune in to this brightest star in the constellation of the Virgin, replete with archetypal connections to the Great Mother through time and across cultures. What messages of hope and sustenance might she have for us at this time of great change, on both the personal and collective levels?
Tuesday, February 18
The Sun enters Pisces early this morning, ushering in a new zodiac month, as the Sun travels through this last sign on the wheel, preceding the Aries equinox. There are so many powerful planetary alignments coming into play at this time, continuing on into next year, emphasizing this tremendously powerful change-point where Pisces and Aries meet.
Both Saturn and Neptune will be moving out of Pisces into Aries this year, as the Nodal Axis continues last month’s shift in the other direction, with the North Node passing the zero Aries point and moving into Pisces, where it will be for another year and a half. It is a time of transformation, of wrenching endings and unforeseeable beginnings.
Thursday, February 20
The waning Moon at 12 Sagittarius 20 is squaring the Sun in Pisces this morning. This is our final turning point in the Aquarius lunation that began with January’s New Moon. Time to bring Sagittarius’ adventuring spirit into play, as we seek out the treasures we have gleaned from our journey over the last few weeks, and prepare to let go of the rest.
Mercury in Pisces is squaring Jupiter in Gemini this afternoon, invoking a creative challenge: can we revel in Gemini’s multi-faceted fascination with the magic and wonder of manifest reality, while simultaneously remembering to slow down and tune in, not with the mind but with the heart, to the nuances of the deeper Presence underlying all things, seeking to practice this dual awareness in every moment? A seemingly impossible challenge, but one guaranteed to make our lives richer in the attempt.
We are definitely not living in normal times! If you feel buffeted by the cosmic winds bringing inexorable change, you are not alone. This is not a time to succumb to rising fears, promoted by those who certainly do not have our best interests at heart, or for holding onto cherished attachments to how things used to be. Or even to no-longer-relevant notions of who you thought yourself to be.
The old paradigm cannot be patched back together – nor should it be. The only viable strategy in this unprecedented time is to courageously meet the surrender being demanded of us. To bless the shredded remnants of the old world as it dissolves to dust before our eyes, willingly opening our hands to let it fall. To ride the winds of change deeper into our core self, seeking what is most essential. And once we find it, to protect and foster its life-giving essence, for our own renewal and for the redemption of the world.