Capricorn Lunation · First Quarter

by Silvianne K. Delmars | Dec 29, 2024 |



We begin a new lunation month this week with the Capricorn New Moon on Dec 30. The Quarter Moon in Aries brings the week to a sparky close on January 6. Here are the highlights (all times in PST).


Monday, December 30


A maximum out of bounds New Moon is conjunct the Sun today at 09 Capricorn 44. This New Moon closest to the December Solstice is an alternative ‘new year’ marker, supporting us in setting New Moon intentions not just for this month, but for the entire year to come. And with the Moon wildly out of bounds, we are encouraged to dig deep and think big as we plant the seeds for what we most wish to unfold over the months ahead, during this truly transformational year.


Tuesday, December 31


All five visible planets are on display this week, so be sure to make some time, during this traditionally sacred time, to go out under the night sky and commune with their energies.

Jupiter in Gemini is high in the east at sunset, in the horns of the Bull constellation, with fiery red Aldebaran nearby. Mars rises later in the evening, below Jupiter along the ecliptic, visible all night until dawn.

Venus in Aquarius can be found high in the west at sunset – both Venus and Jupiter are very bright. Look for Saturn above Venus along the ecliptic, forming a triangle with Fomalhaut, the bright star in the mouth of the Fish constellation.

Completing the set, Sagittarius overstory Mercury reached its greatest elongation from the Sun on December 25, and is still visible in the early morning sky, looking east, about 18 degrees above the horizon. Don’t miss this opportunity to tune in to this elusive messenger planet, master of perception, cognition, and communication.


Wednesday, January 1


The waxing crescent Moon, visible just after sunset, is making its monthly conjunction with Pluto today (exact early this morning) in the first degree of far-seeing Aquarius. Although not visible, this encounter invites us to expand our minds to encompass new ways of seeing, as we willingly embrace both the shadow and light of the challenges this new openness may bring.


Thursday, January 2


Gemini Overstory Mars, currently retrograde at the first degree of Leo, is standing opposite to Pluto, exact this evening.

This is a powerful timing, as the sacred masculine in sovereign Leo interacts with the great transformer Pluto in evolutionary Aquarius. True transformative leadership is built on healthy self-love, and the fostering of creativity in self and others. Pluto is offering the opportunity to illuminate and transform the masculine Leo shadow, if we have the courage to surrender to its relentless wisdom.


Friday, January 3


The Quadrantids Meteor shower will be visible early this morning, before dawn.

Leo Overstory Venus, shining high in the western sky in the very first degree of numinous Pisces, is meeting with the waxing crescent Moon this evening. This rendezvous marks the sixth gate in her evening star ascent phase, activating the wisdom of third eye knowing. A beautiful timing to ask for guidance in deepening into our connection with Spirit and accessing our intuitive knowing in new ways.


Saturday, January 4


Look to the southwest after sunset to tune in to the waxing Moon with Saturn. This Moon Saturn conjunction highlights the current dance of Venus and Saturn, as they move closer together along the ecliptic in the evening sky, towards their exact conjunction in Pisces on January 18. Look for royal star Fomalhaut forming a triangle below.


Monday, January 6


Mars enters Cancer in the very early morning, returning to the sign that will set the tone for the new 25-months synodic cycle journey beginning on January 15. The planet of the sacred masculine is in the final incubation stages as he prepares to birth a new dream of an expanded version of nurturing Cancer, one that, ideally, will encompass a more universal definition of home and tribe.

The Moon at 16 Aries 56, with Chiron nearby, is squaring the Sun, exact at 3:56 pm, closing our first week in this earthy, grounded Capricorn lunation. Time to harness Chiron’s healing wisdom and tap into our innate enthusiasm and sense of purpose as we courageously pursue a new, more life-giving New Earth vision. What new seeds are we being called to nurture in the depths of our soul?

It is our dedication and sincerity that matter most in this pregnant moment, sourced in Love, as we harness the inward power of being still. Time to practice radical trust as we envision our tender dreams, fed by the compost of past experiences, unfolding in blessing and abundance as we negotiate this profoundly pivotal year at the heart of The Great Turning.


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