by Silvianne K. Delmars | Jan 20, 2025 |
Our lunation week begins with an intense Fourth Quarter Moon in Scorpio and ends with an expansive Aquarius New Moon. Here are the highlights (all times in PST):
Tuesday, January 21
The Sun, at 01 Aquarius 42, makes its yearly conjunction with Pluto very early this morning, highlighting the potential for foundational change, as the great composter continues in the early stages of its journey through the Aquarian realms of evolutionary change. A potent moment to release any old stories holding us back from living into our most expansive, visionary future reality.
The Last Quarter Moon at 02 Scorpio 03 squares the Sun in Aquarius, exact today as 12:31 pm PST, reiterating the need to go deep into the subjective layers of our own consciousness, daring to face our deepest fears. At the same time we are being invited to soar high into the realms of a more objective, expanded viewpoint over the next cycle.
During this final phase of the lunation month that began with a gestational Capricorn New Moon, it is time to digest the experiences of these powerful recent weeks, creating a strong foundation for meeting a whole new cycle, set to begin at next week’s New Moon in evolutionary Aquarius.
Wednesday, January 22
Mars continues to be visible in the evening sky looking east, rising around sunset, very near to Castor and Pollux, bright stars in the Twins constellation, and visible until dawn as they travel the night sky. Mars is closest and brightest to us, having just passed his opposition point to the Sun on Jan 15, marking the beginning of a whole new 25-month synodic cycle, exploring the authentic archetypal masculine expression in nurturing Cancer.
Thursday, January 23
Sagittarius overstory Mercury, currently in the sign of Capricorn, is nearing the end of its Apollo morning star phase, now very low to the horizon just before sunrise. It is standing directly opposite to Mars in Cancer, exact today at 12:49 pm. A cosmic timing that draws attention to this earth and water resonant polarity, and the need to balance personal, emotion-based nurturing with the creation of healthier structures that support the continued evolution of global human culture.
A good time to tune in for practical, earth-based signals from the messenger planet, designed to activate the archetypal masculine quest for authentic, responsible nurturing, as we strive to expand our definition of tribe to more truly reflect our origins as cosmic beings.
Friday, January 24
The Moon goes out of bounds again today, and can be found passing by red Antares over the next couple of mornings, looking towards the southeast. This ancient royal star, marking the heart of the Scorpion constellation, is a powerful gateway to Galactic Center. The out-of-bounds Moon activation offers a potent invitation to listen for unexpected, perhaps even surprising, wisdom from the beating heart of our Milky Way galaxy.
Saturday, January 25
Sagittarius Overstory Mercury comes within 10 degrees of the Sun today, disappearing from our view as it begins its sojourn around the other side of the Sun. This fast-moving messenger planet has now entered its psychopomp phase, acting as a guide for souls as they make their journey through the underworld. In what ways might we be called to enter the pregnant darkness at this moment in time, as we search for a closer connection to our own deepest truth?
Sunday, January 26
Leo overstory Venus, high in the evening sky, shines brightly after sunset towards the west. Currently in the sign of Pisces, and in the last week or so of her month-long third eye chakra portal activation, Venus is still under the influence of last week’s meet-up with Saturn. Their coming together has been a long dance in the evening sky, still continuing as Saturn sinks towards the western horizon and its disappearance in late February.
This would be a good time to feel into the deep wisdom on offer from the cosmos, as the planet of the sacred feminine continues to integrate her encounter with the planet of supportive structure in the numinous, heart-centered sign of Pisces. A reminder to be gentle with ourselves, and provide needed support in tangible ways to our body, mind, and spirit as we struggle to integrate the intense higher-frequency energies bathing the Earth at this time of great transformation.
Monday, January 27
Mercury, now invisible on the other side of the Sun from us, enters Aquarius today, its second sign change since beginning the current synodic cycle in late December. Fiery, intuitive Sagittarius mind is being seeded by Aquarius objectivity. What implications might this have for us, individually and collectively?
Adding to this innovative signature, the Moon reaches its extreme out-of-bounds position today, set to return in bounds on Wednesday.
Tuesday, January 28
The Moon, Mercury, and Pluto are all hanging out together over the course of the afternoon and evening (PST) in the second degree of Aquarius. This confluence of energies continues this week’s emphasis on Mercury and its three-fold realm of perception, cognition, and communication. Pluto makes sure we will not just skim the surface and the Moon spotlights the event.
The Sabian symbol for this degree is, “An unexpected thunderstorm.” Dane Rudhyar’s keynote is, “The need to develop the inner security which will enable us to meet unexpected crises.” The storms of a world on the brink of wholesale disintegration (and eventual reconstruction – according to a blueprint not yet conceived) will continue to wreak havoc with any attachment we may feel to a delusional sense of safety based on obsolete outer forms.
There is no way out but through. The Sabian Symbol reminds us of the ephemeral nature of our everyday lives when faced with nature’s raw power. At this great Turning of the Ages, there is nothing more essential than the continual practice of going within, strengthening our connection with our own truth, and a felt sense of our deepest Source.
Wednesday, January 29
The Moon, back in bounds today, meets with the Sun at 09 Aquarius 51 in the early morning hours. Time to set intentions for a new lunation month, with an emphasis on allowing ourselves to dream our biggest dreams, sourced in our truest creative vision. In this year of deep transformation, nothing else will do.