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March Equinox Seminars (2 Days)

March 18, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm PDT

  March Equinox 2024 Seminars


March 18 – March 19, 2024  5 pm PDT



“Enrollment includes access to both days”

Seminar 1: Astonishing April Astro Events

March 18, 5:00-6:30pm PDT

Find your local time HERE

Daniel is joined by TOTAMS Council member and past school president Mary
Kern. For our topical Equinox seminar offering, we will deeply explore the
remarkable number of key astrological and astronomical events in April 2024.

Topics include:

1) The April 8 Total Solar Eclipse: the fourth eclipse path across the
continental United States since 2012, highlighting the U.S. Chiron Return
2) The exact Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 20; the first one since1941
3) Venus reaches her 8th gate, “Death by Intent”, on April 7, and descends into the Underworld on April 27
4) Yet another timeline split?

Daniel and Mary will unpack these events and attempt to discern the intent of Great Mystery. They will suggest both personal and collective navigation strategies. As always, we will use the TOTAMS signature Three Worlds Approach.
Our seminar will begin with an Equinox invocation led by Mary.

Seminar 2:Exploring The Lineage Invocation of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm ™

March 19, 5:00-6:30pm PDT

Find your local time HERE

For this Foundational Equinox offering, Vivian Hurley will join TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario to explore the lineage of our school’s paradigm and approach.There have been many sources of knowledge and inspiration that have formed the foundation of Daniel’s and the school’s approach. All who are certified in this paradigm are aware of the invocation of the lineage as is part of the certification ceremony. See the invocation here!

Vivian is a fully certified TOTAMS Shamanic Astrologer and our guide to the ancient ceremonial mounds during our upcoming April Eclipse Gathering and Course 5.

Daniel and Vivian will take you on a wide ranging historical, spiritual and philosophical journey.


March 18, 2024
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm PDT
Event Category: