by Silvianne K. Delmars | Sept 5, 2024 |
Continuing her ascent journey, growing slowly brighter and ascending higher in the early evening sky, Venus met with the sliver of the waxing crescent Moon on September 5 at 08 Libra 21, marking the second gate in her evening star journey. Gaining confidence as she anchors the wisdom gained from her rebirth experience more fully into the world, over the next month she will be exploring fundamental issues of creativity on all levels of being, as she traverses this essential portal of reproductive energy.
In our current stage of the much larger precessional cycle that governs and defines the 26,000 year cycle of great world ages, the early degrees of the zodiac sign of Libra which Venus is inhabiting at this initiation portal, are to be found in the center of the constellation of the Virgin Priestess. Vindemiatrix is currently at 10 Libra 16 and Porrima at 10 Libra 30, just a couple of degrees away.
Let’s take a look at the Sabian and Chandra symbols for the Venus-Moon Gate degree of Libra 9.
Sabian Symbol

Libra 9 by Ruby Fumizki
“Three ‘old masters’ hanging on the wall of a special room in an art gallery.
Keynote: The need to return to source during a confused search for new value in a chaotic society.
…The great moments of the collective past become an inspiration for new, yet sound, beginnings. The seed of tomorrow salutes the seed of yesteryear.”
from Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala
Chandra Symbol
“A cook fixing vegetable soup from a myriad of ingredients.
Containing and wielding the life force in its most irrepressible form. Gifted beyond measure in juggling so many variables that it would get any head spinning. Doing this dance with heart sustenance. Feeling one’s way into and through any and every world, in any and every combination they can come together within.
…If fostered, it can spill over into going all the way with what is emergent, with what needs to happen next. This can operate at any level, even unto the most boundless vistas.”
from Ellias Lonsdale, Star Sparks
Delve Beneath The Lies and Suppression
This Sabian Symbol evokes the importance of recovering and remembering the past as a basis for full expression of our creative life force now. But not necessarily the most recent past of a distorted history, one that stretches back only a few thousand years, falsely presented as all we are.
To be the seeds of a New Earth, we must delve beneath the lies and suppression to uncover and learn from a past we have only been able to intuit up until now. As more and more is revealed to us of our true legacy, we become upheld and inspired by a much larger vision of what has been and what can be. Time to step into our power our true co-creators with Great Mystery, supported by this deepened awareness of our true legacy.
The Chandra Symbol beautifully and playfully invokes the colorful magic of the creative process, as we bring together all the seemingly disparate parts of ourselves, all the magical ingredients that allow us to create our own unique offering, to nourish ourselves and others.
As Venus opens this new initiatory portal in her journey of ascent, Gemini Overstory Mars is reaching his own important milestone, leaving the sign of Gemini and entering Cancer on September 4. This marks the beginning of the last phase of his 25-month long journey of archetypal integration in Gemini and presages the next synodic cycle which begins on January 15 2025, in the sign of Cancer.
Let’s take a deeper look at the Sabian and Chandra symbols for this pivotal first degree of Cancer, currently pointing us towards the fertile region of space known as the Galactic Edge.
Sabian Symbol
“On a ship the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.
Keynote: A radical chance of allegiance exteriorized in a symbolical act: a point of no return. REORIENTATION”
This is a symbol that speaks to us of a major reorientation of values and priorities, and the full use of our spiritual will. In his archetypal journey through Gemini, Mars has reached the final stage. He is like the Sun preparing to turn southwards along the horizon at the Cancer solstice, having reached its fullest expression and now embarking on the inevitable journey into the yin energies that will reach their fullest expression at the Capricorn solstice. Or like the sailors who freely choose a new allegiance at a critical turning point.
Mind-based, shape-shifting Gemini Mars is choosing to take all he has learned and surrendering it to the incubation process for a very different version of the archetypal masculine. This is a potent time to meditate with Mars as he hangs near Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull constellation, in the early morning sky, activating the potent cosmically generative energies at Galactic Edge. How can we take the highest potential of Gemini’s informed freedom from the rules of the old operating system and use it to support a whole new expression of the nurturing, committed, loving archetype of the sacred masculine in Cancer, now longing to be born?
Chandra Symbol
“A potter at work.”
The Chandra Symbol for Cancer 1 gives us a complementary take on the generative power inherent in this degree, with the evocative image of “a potter at work.” Ellias Lonsdale comments,
“There is a formative pattern that expresses itself when we can let it through with sensitivity and conscious attunement. It has a voice, a call, a characteristic feel. And when you get in the groove of letting the whole stream into this part, the tension dissolves, and spirit reverberates everywhere.”
What are we choosing to give our allegiance to in these powerfully transformative times? What are we attuning to with our hearts and minds – what is our own personal ‘true north?’ What is the shape of the formative pattern longing to express itself through the magical reality of our everyday lives?
Second Chakra Portal
As we travel through this primally creative second chakra portal over the coming weeks, we have a powerful opportunity to tune in with both the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine, as Venus continues to ascend and grow brighter in the evening sky, and Mars dominates the eastern sky in the early morning hours. What wisdom might they have to share, as we seek to wield our creative life force energy in the creation of a New Earth paradigm?