Inanna with Mars – 3rd Gate Solar Plexus: Personal Power

by Silvianne K. Delmars | Oct 6, 2024 |



Continuing her ascent journey, growing brighter and ascending higher in the evening sky, Venus met with the sliver of the waxing crescent Moon on October 5 at 15 Scorpio 24, marking the third gate in her evening star journey. Having successfully negotiated the first two most primal chakras since emerging from the underworld in mid July, over the next month she will be exploring the fuller expression of her personal power, within and without, as she strides ever more deeply into the world.

In our current stage of the much larger precessional cycle that governs and defines the 26,000 year cycle of great world ages, the zodiac degree of 15 Scorpio 24 activated by Venus at this initiation portal is aligned almost exactly to the minute with the star Zubenelgenubi, one of the two main stars that make up the constellation of the Scales. This is an important alignment that will unfold even more deeply in the coming weeks.

But first, let’s take a look at the Sabian and Chandra symbols for this powerful Venus Moon gate at Scorpio 16.


Sabian Symbol


“A girl’s face breaking into a smile.

Keynote: The fervent reaching out on the part of the young of heart to new experiences.

Faith in life and in other human beings enables us to go forth toward relationships with whatever attracts our senses or stirs our imagination. Smiling is perhaps a uniquely human characteristic because it implies a conscious acceptance of relationship, thus a choice. The animal, on the other hand, is compelled by unconscious instinct, at least in its natural state. It is not free to choose between love and hate. WARMTH OF FEELING.” – Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala


Chandra Symbol


“Charon ferries the dead across the River Styx.

Being granted a task, a special assignment. Living for purpose and fruition to this highly specific endeavor. Faced with an especially extreme trial. Yet, as well, escorted, accompanied, watched over exceedingly closely and supported in fulfilling what has been begun…The impersonal soul is entirely committed to living with other worlds in Spirit guidance with very little outer identification with basic human stuff…” – Ellias Lonsdale, Star Sparks


A Bridge Between Worlds


According to John Sandbach, the distilled theme for this frequency degree is “guiding others into new realms.”  This principle can operate at any level, from the “ridiculous to the sublime.” From smiling at a stranger, bringing a new energy or level of consciousness into simple, everyday interactions, to acting as a bridge between middle-world reality and the supra-sensible realms, including the mysteries beyond death’s veil.

Bridge of The Elves, Puzzlewood, England, by Naraya Naserian

In what ways are we being called to be a bridge between worlds – to reach out to new realms of experience – as we act from an ever-more-developed awareness of our own energetic core? How can we best access, nurture and express our vital life force energy, knowing the key to serving others most effectively lies in remaining grounded in our own deepest joy and truth? We are invited to explore these question over the coming weeks, as we sit in contemplation with evening sky Venus as she holds open the portal of personal power.



Mars in Transformation


Meanwhile, Mars is sojourning through a very different part of the sky, rising around midnight and visible through dawn.  All this month, while Venus traverses the third chakra portal, Mars be will exploring the sign of Cancer, the overstory for his next synodic cycle, set to begin next January.

Mars’ entry into the sign of Cancer marks the final phase of the Gemini synodic cycle, Phase Zero, the gestation or incubation phase. Mars is a key player in a particularly powerful activation this month, as he forms a T-square with the Sun in Libra opposing retrograde Chiron in Aries. Mars square Chiron is exact on October 13, and his square with the Sun happens a few hours later on October 14, at 21 Cancer 15 and 21 Cancer 28 respectively.

Let’s take a look at the degree symbols for this Cancer 22 frequency:


Sabian Symbol


Cancer 22, by Ruby Fumizki

“A young woman awaiting a sailboat.

Keynote: The longing for transcendent happiness in the soul opened to great dreams.

Here the symbol pictures the imaginative, youthful person who basically cannot be satisfied with what his or her ordinary social environment offers, and who instead is longing for the unknown visitation of which he or she has dreamed. From the unconscious beyond, the concretization of a spiritual image—spiritual because impelled by the “wind” (pneuma, spirit)—is hoped for and expected. The Beloved may come—not in a glittering opera house, but in the silence of the inner sea of consciousness. Will the EXPECTANCY of the Eternal Feminine be rewarded with reality?” – Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala


Chandra Symbol


“Bunches of watercress growing by a cool spring.

Feeling sheltered. Sensing so close a spirit presence. Becoming entwined around the safe territory of the sacred, of the numinous, of that in us which calls us so deeply within. Placing all of our being inside the sacred enclosure, and then coming from here in everything we bring.

Representing and embodying the close touch of spirit in all its tendrils and fine coils. Being inside the magic as a given. We know these things from before. They are here now again, as ever. They do not vary with time…”- Ellias Lonsdale, Star Sparks


The Darkness of The Womb


John Sandbach’s summary of this frequency is, “clearing away the darkness and returning to one’s source of nourishment.”

There is such a poignant message encoded in the juxtaposition of image and cosmic alignments, as the planet of the sacred masculine lies in the darkness of the womb, incubating a new dream of how to nurture and support all that it truly loves from an authentically masculine way of being. At the same time that fiery Leo overstory Venus, currently inhabiting the equally powerful water sign of Scorpio, opens the portal of personal power.

This trine between Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer is exact on October 8. It offers us an opportunity to invoke a supportive synergy of the archetypal energies of masculine and feminine by going deep into the watery realms – by giving ourselves permission to feel all of our feelings, and perhaps then be able to use them to fuel our spiritual will.

What is lurking in our own unexamined depths? Sacred grief and holy rage can be incredible catalysts for change, if we have the courage to seek them out, to let them pass through us, and to be open to the wisdom essence they long to share with us.


Lighten The Burden of Our Soul


In a beautiful instance of synchronicity, Venus will be at 18 Scorpio 38 at this moment of her trine with Mars. This is only a degree away from the current zodiacal position of the other most prominent star of the Scales constellation, Zubenalshamali. With the opening of the third chakra ascent portal and then the trine a few days later, Venus (with the help of the Moon and then Mars) is activating these two neighboring stars of The Scales, a constellation that has invoked images of wisdom, balance and justice through time in the myths of many different cultures.

The Egyptians saw in the constellation their Goddess Maat, the dispenser of cosmic justice, who weighed the heart of the deceased against the weight of a feather. Are we willing to do what it takes, including facing the demons within, so that we may lighten the burden of our soul and find ourselves worthy to step into our rightful place as co-creators of a new reality? The time is now. New Earth is waiting, holding space for the possibility of a global transformation — one that starts from within each and every one of us.


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