Leo Lunation · First Quarter

by Silvianne K. Delmars | Aug 4, 2024 |



The First Quarter Lunation began on Sunday, August 4, with a regal Leo New Moon, and ends Monday, August 12, with the Second Quarter Moon in visceral Scorpio.

Here are the highlights (all times in PDT):



Sunday, August 4


The Moon and Sun came together to seed this new lunation at 12 Leo 34, at 4:13 am. Leo is all about launching into our lives with gusto, led by our creative passion. With focused Vesta nearby and Venus in the very last degree of this sovereign sign, this New Moon is asking us to stay true to our own unique vision, sourced in our deepest truth.

This whole month is a time to dream big and ask yourself how you can more fully believe, to the depths of your being, in your ability to walk in the direction of those dreams. Remember that belief and intent – consciousness – is what creates reality (not the other way around!). Time to wield this enthusiastic Leo New Moon energy to set intentions for this month and beyond that inspire your soul and activate your heart’s knowing.

Read more about this Leo New Moon here.

Leo overstory Venus, newly risen from her underworld rebirth, enters the earthy sign of Virgo today, echoing Vesta’s message of working in harmony with nature’s rhythms, as we ground our Leo enthusiasm with Virgo sacred practicality. There can be a powerful synergy when these two very different, but equally autonomous, archetypes work together. Time to wield our inner alchemy and activate this potent magic.

Mercury, just ahead of Venus in the evening sky (although too dim to be easily visible) stations retrograde today in early Virgo. It will be retrograde for a little over three weeks. This is a time to let our busy minds slow down and concentrate more on depth than breadth in our interactions with the inner and outer worlds.


Monday, August 5


Venus is conjunct the thin crescent of the waxing Moon today. Look for them together near the western horizon in the twilight after sunset. This marks Leo synodic overstory Venus’ arrival at the first chakra gate in her ascent journey, which will continue over the next 7 months.

This evening, at the foundational root chakra portal, they meet at 01 Virgo 04, very near the Royal Star Regulus. This is another powerful invitation to tune in and access wisdom to support the unfolding of our true sovereign nature, as the sacred priestess sign of Virgo is infused with the light of individual creative selfhood from the mighty star being beaming Source love from the heart of the Lion constellation.


Tuesday, August 6


Jupiter and Mars continue to put on a show in the early morning sky, joined by yet another Royal Star – Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull constellation. Although perhaps not as obviously dramatic as during the Moon activation last week, they continue to be a mesmerizing sight in the hours before dawn, rising about 2:00 am in the east. This is such a powerful area of the sky to tune into, with the Pleiades star cluster riding the back of the Bull, looking outward in the direction of the Galactic Edge. Many cultures have believed that this is the place where souls come from to be born here on Earth.

Saturn is also visible in the night sky, rising around 9:30 pm this week, hanging out in the stars of the Water Bearer constellation, with bright Fomalhaut in the mouth of the Fish visible just below. In the wee hours between midnight and dawn Saturn can be seen looking south. I like to think of Saturn as representing the energies of the wise grandmothers, the ground that holds us as we walk this journey of deep incarnation.

However you envision this planet of wisdom of structure, this Leo New Moon week offers a wonderful opportunity to sit under the night sky and ask for its guidance, as you seed your intentions for unfolding your gifts of creativity and unique leadership more fully into the world.


Wednesday, August 7


Mercury, though very dim and most likely not visible with the naked eye, is exactly conjunct Venus in the evening sky at 03 Virgo 43 (exact at 8:12 pm). The messenger planet comes together with the Divine Feminine, meeting in the sign of Virgo, the archetype infused with dedication to the sacred work. This is a very beautiful timing for invoking wisdom to help us bring our gifts more fully into the world, accelerated by the energies of powerful Regulus as the backdrop, and with the crescent Moon hanging close by.


Friday, August 9


Tonight and tomorrow the waxing Moon will be near the bright star Spica. They will rise before sunset and be visible until after 10:00 pm local time, looking to the southwest. This is another powerful activation, from a star considered by many ancient cultures to represent the life-giving grain offered to humanity by the Great Goddess, as mirrored in the heavens by the Maiden or Virgin Priestess constellation where it is found.

The book Star Elixirs and Cosmic Vibrational Healing (by Smulkis and Rubenfeld) tells us that “Spica can promote the transfer of consciousness from the superconscious into the conscious waking state… This can enhance lucid dreaming states and some psychic abilities.” What generous gifts does Spica have to offer you? Tonight would be a wonderful time to ask and listen!


Sunday, August 11


We have been in a period of active meteor showers, with the Delta Aquariids present from late July through early August, overlapped by the Perseids, peaking tonight through tomorrow morning and then quickly fading over the next few days. For best viewing, go out after midnight when the quarter Moon has already set. Early risers are in luck, as the Perseids have their most intense peak in the dark skies just before dawn tomorrow.


Monday, August 12


The 2nd Quarter Moon is exact at 8:19 am, at 20 Scorpio 24, squaring the Sun as 20 Leo 24. Our week ends as we arrive at this first major turning point in the lunation cycle. Time to revisit the intentions we set at the Leo New Moon, as we contemplate any new passions or creative ideas that have appeared over the last week. What do we most need to carry us forward into the next stage, as we anchor them into more solid form, so they can unfold with abundance in the weeks and months to come?

With the Moon traversing the deep feeling sign of Scorpio, now is the time to make sure these creations are sourced in our deepest desires. No lesser motivation will do if we are to make our dreams into concrete reality.  For we must conjure up an unwavering commitment to overcome the obstacles, both inner and outer, that will most surely appear on the path to manifestation. Obstacles designed by our own higher selves to test our resolve and strengthen our character as we navigate the unpredictable future in the days and months to come.

And don’t forget to call on the amazing resources of alchemical magic that are here for us, especially now at this great Turning of the Ages. From the elemental nature beings residing everywhere in this sacred Earth to the great cosmic star beings that populate our night sky, they are all just an intention away, longing for us to finally manifest the full power of the divine sovereign being within and take our rightful place in the cosmic dance as conscious co-creators.

Now is the time to seed the living future, in this potent Leo New Moon window, propelled by our most heartfelt desire and brought into manifestation by right use of spiritual will. Past, present, and future are coming together in a quantum moment now. Can you feel its call? And will you dare to answer with the resounding “yes!” that lies dormant within the deepest recesses of your soul?


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