by Silvianne K. Delmars | Aug 17, 2024 |
This week’s astro update begins with the expansive Aquarius Full Moon on August 19 and ends with an out-of-bounds last quarter Moon in Gemini on August 26. Here are the highlights (all times in PDT).
Monday, August 19
The Full Moon is exact at 11:26 am at 27 Aquarius 17, opposite the Sun in Leo. The Aquarius Full Moon each year is a time for accessing visions of higher wisdom, sourced in an expanded level of consciousness. This year the impetus for change ushered in by this Full Moon is even more accelerated, as iconoclastic Uranus forms an exact square to the Sun and Moon from beauty-seeking Taurus just a couple of hours earlier.
The need for attunement to the sacred is highlighted with this Full Moon, as it opposes a Leo Sun closely flanked by both retrograde Mercury and the asteroid Vesta. As described by Erik Roth in The Sacred Hearth Within, Vesta in Leo burns her steady flame in devotion to our individual imagination and creativity, sourced in deep self-love.
This is not the time to align with an operating manual based on consensus reality, lest we find ourselves caught in the snares of fear and division, or brittle, self-righteous defence of someone else’s view of the world. Rather, it is time to pursue our own deep sense of inner perfection, wielding our powerful spiritual will to create a new blueprint, radically sourced in the creative truth that comes from deep within. Leo serves others by radiating its inward joy and presence outward. This sovereign light is the fuel that Aquarius requires if it is to manifest a truly innovative, transformative, and heart-based New Earth vision.
But the power of this Full Moon day isn’t over yet. We have to add manifestor Saturn to the mix, opposing Venus in Virgo from numinous Pisces early this morning. Another reminder of the importance of informing all we do with a deep sense of the sacred, Saturn will then be squared by Jupiter in Gemini later in the afternoon, creating another powerful T-square, this one in the signs of service to spirit.
This is the first of three exact squares of Jupiter and Saturn happening between now and next June. When the planet of form dances with the planet of expansion, there is a powerful potential for making things happen in the real world, fuelled by optimism and synergy. With a square relationship, the energies can be uncomfortably at odds with each other, forcing us to forge a working relationship between practical reality and unbridled action.
See Daniel’s recent article for a more in-depth look at these potent timings.
Tuesday, August 20
As mentioned above, Vesta is hanging out with the Sun, exact today at 5:01 am, at 27 Leo 50. Although certainly not visible, if you are up to commune with the sunrise, remember to tune in to this devoted asteroid goddess, keeper of the sacred hearth flame, and our ability to focus on what we hold most dear.
The waning gibbous Moon at 17 Pisces 22 will be passing Saturn this evening, easily visible in the night sky, rising around 9:00 pm and setting after sunrise. In parts of Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Europe it may be possible to see an occultation of Saturn as the Moon passes in front of it (around 3:00 am UTC).
This is such a beautiful opportunity to commune with Saturn as it inhabits the ‘watery’ area of the sky, among the stars of the Water Bearer constellation, with bright Fomalhaut hanging below. And a potent time to meditate and ask for insights from this wise being to assist us in bringing our spiritual visions into practical form at this incredible, and challenging, time of transformation.
This is also a great opportunity to observe the actual ‘square’ relationship between Jupiter and Saturn (exact yesterday) if you are out under clear skies this week before dawn, as Jupiter (with Mars) rises in the east while Saturn shines in the southern sky.
Wednesday, August 21
Just in case you were craving even more Piscean activation, the Moon will be making its monthly pass of Neptune at 29 Pisces 17 today. Retrograde Neptune has been hanging out at the intense last degree of this deeply oceanic sign since the beginning of May, as if recapitulating all the lessons it has brought us, individually and collectively, over its 14-year journey through this last sign of the zodiac (due to complete in early 2026).
As you commune with this waning perigee Moon, what treasured notions of self might you be ready to surrender to the watery Piscean depths, in the service of a whole new inner orientation? What losses, individual or global, are longing to be well and truly grieved? Neptune offers a womb space for the incubation of fresh faith and hope, fed by the amniotic fluids of our authentic grief.
Thursday, August 22
The Sun leaves exuberant and fiery Leo this morning, to traverse the more inward-oriented earth sign of Virgo over the next month. In Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks we find this beautiful prose poem invocation to the zodiac sign of Virgo and the Chandra Symbols it contains: “Organically organize our many parts and fragments into wholeness. Make clear and steady our vessels to be the holders of light in the darkest of places. May star sparks be those pinpoints of light that create healing patterns long awaited. Let our feet walk on now in service to the multiple worlds, both inside and outside.”
Later this evening, Venus in grounded Virgo, faintly visible perhaps in the evening twilight, will make an exact square to Mars in airy Gemini, visible in the morning sky. Venus is traversing the root chakra portal this month, having passed the first gate in her ascent journey at the Leo New Moon. Mars has entered the final stage of his Gemini overstory synodic cycle, returning to the sign he started with in December of 2022.
Both the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine are exploring new, more authentic ways to be of service to Great Mystery, in two very different ways. What inner alchemy might be percolating in your own life, as you strive to work with nature’s sacred patterning in a grounded, nuanced way while also pursuing the irreverent, effervescent cosmic pathways of crazy trickster wisdom? Sitting in meditation with either, or both, of these personal planets in the very early morning before dawn, or the evening twilight, would be a good time to seek insights.
Friday, August 23
Today’s timings point us toward a contemplation of the wisdom of teacher/healer Chiron, as retrograde Mercury in Leo makes an exact trine to Chiron in Aries in the early morning hours. Less than half an hour later, the Moon will make its monthly pass over Chiron in the same degree, at 23 Aries 11.
How have our lives been affected by the perversion of the Aries sacred warrior archetype, both personally and collectively? How can we reclaim this energy in a more healthy way, as we leverage the wisdom gained by messenger Mercury delving deeply into its own sovereign truth? How can we best access our own heart’s knowing and put it to use in a more soulful way, in defence of Earth and all her creatures at this time of great upheaval?
Saturday, August 24
Retrograde Mercury officially exits its underworld phase today, as it reaches 10 degrees of separation from the Sun. This marks the end of Aries synodic cycle overstory Mercury’s metamorphic phase, as it prepares to begin a whole new synodic cycle in Leo when it stations direct next week, on August 28. It will soon become dimly visible very near the horizon as a morning star.
Sunday, August 25
The Moon in Taurus makes its monthly pass by Uranus this afternoon, echoing the wacky, innovative, big-picture vision energies embodied by last Monday’s Full Moon in Aquarius. A reminder to keep the new dreams and visions percolating within us at the forefront, as we continue to negotiate this week’s very intense energies. Don’t let the voices of doubt coming from the small mind dilute the strength and purity of your heart-fuelled truth. This truly is the time to think big, and commit to the small steps that will eventually make the dreams a reality.
The Moon passes the Pleiades tonight and tomorrow, on its way to meeting up with Jupiter and Mars in the early, pre-dawn eastern sky. Look for fiery bright Aldebaran, the Royal Star in the eye of the Bull constellation, shining nearby.
Monday, August 26
The Last Quarter Moon is exact at 2:26 am, at 03 Gemini 38, squaring the Sun in Virgo. The Gemini Moon also goes out of bounds today, prompting us to continue to color outside the consensus reality lines, aided and abetted by change-agent Uranus in late degrees of Taurus hanging out nearby. Vesta, which began the week conjunct the Sun in Leo at the Aquarius Full Moon, is still within three degrees of the Sun, both now having entered the sign of Virgo.
As we reach this third quarter square relationship between the Moon and Sun, the final energy turning point in the lunation, we are being asked to discern what Leo New Moon intentions we will continue to devote our energy to, and what aborted projects we may be letting go of, to serve as compost for the months to come.
The Gemini Moon urges us to invite our sacred muse to the party, adding magical inspiration and a talent for making irrational connections that serve the greater whole. Meanwhile, Vesta seems to be underscoring the need to take the gifts gained from revelling in our own creative vision, rooted in deep self love and healthy self-exploration, and bring them forward to serve a very different focus.
How can we best consolidate the deepened relationship with our own enthusiasm and spiritual will, so it may be wielded in selfless service to an ever deeper attunement to sacred Earth rhythms? Our soul’s unfolding answer to this seminal question, measured in real time by our actions over the next week as the Moon continues to wane towards its dark phase, will set the stage for next month’s Virgo New Moon lunation.