Libra Lunation · Third Quarter

by Silvianne K. Delmars | Oct 16, 2024 |



This week’s astro update begins with a powerful Aries Full Moon on Thursday, October 17, and ends with a last quarter Moon in fiery Leo on Thursday, October 24. Here are the highlights (all times in PDT).



Thursday, October 17


We begin our lunation week at 4:26 am with a Full Moon at 24 Aries 35 conjunct retrograde Chiron, opposite the Sun in Libra. This is the fullest and brightest Full Moon of the year, and in the Americas its fullest rise will be on Wednesday evening.

Mars in Cancer is also squaring the Sun and Moon, and Pluto in Capricorn is in an opposition to Mars, forming a grand cross. With the Full Moon energies amplifying the T-square alignments of Sun opposite Chiron, both squaring Mars, exact at the very beginning of the week, we may feel as if we are being asked to negotiate a minefield of conflicting impulses – wanting to push forward while also encountering obstacles, either internal or external.


With all four of the culture bearer signs in play, it may help to remember that the ultimate intent is to build new, more effective structures that support a healthier world. A process that starts with each of us, often in small steps. Give yourself permission to slow down, embracing any unforeseen obstacles as opportunities to clear out old patterns ready to be healed at this time. For more in-depth insight, see this month’s Full Moon article.


Friday, October 18


Leo overstory Venus continues to climb brighter in the evening sky as she traverses the third chakra portal of personal power through October. She left deep-feeling Scorpio yesterday afternoon, and has now entered the vision-questing sign of Sagittarius, at the beginning of the constellation of the Scorpion. Look for Venus towards the west after sunset.


Saturday, October 19


The waning gibbous Moon is near the Pleiades star cluster tonight, approaching Aldebaran and bright Jupiter. They will rise a few hours after sunset and be visible all night, drawing our attention to the Galactic Edge as we gaze out beyond the confines of our Milky Way galaxy.

The Moon will be going out of bounds again today, until next Thursday. Look for it to rise farther north along the horizon than the Sun will ever be. And, although not visible, the Moon will also be making its monthly pass by change agent Uranus in Taurus today, exact early this morning. This is a combo that emphasizes non-conformity and a healthy irreverence! Challenge yourself to do something unexpected today and see what happens.


Sunday, October 20


The Orionid meteor shower is expected to reach its peak this morning and tomorrow morning, although it will be competing with a bright Moon.

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is visiting our skies through October 24, appearing in the western sky shortly after sunset, rising higher as the week progresses. It may be visible to the naked eye under dark skies.

The Moon will be passing Jupiter tonight (exact conjunction is Oct 21 at 12:25 am at 21 Gemini 05). Fiery Aldebaran, the eye of The Bull constellation, is nearby. Look for them to rise in the evening sky in the east, then traveling across the sky throughout the night until dawn.


Monday, October 21


Leo overstory Mercury has completed its pyschopomp phase, joining Venus as an evening star. It is still difficult to spot, but may be visible with clear skies and a low horizon. Keep looking – it will reach its maximum elongation from the Sun on November 15.

Mercury in Scorpio will make a watery trine with Saturn in Pisces late this evening. What transmissions might the messenger planet be receiving and sending as it zips through the watery intensity of Scorpio, aided and abetted by hard-working Saturn in numinous Pisces? Tune in to find out!


Tuesday, October 22


The Sun in late degrees of Libra squares Pluto this morning (exact at 7:15 am at 29 Libra 40), before entering Scorpio later this afternoon. This square, which only happens twice a year, echoes the themes of the grand cross activated on last Thursday’s Full Moon. In what ways are we being invited to bring more depth and authenticity into our current relationships? What hidden truths are needing to be expressed?


Wednesday, October 23


The waning gibbous Moon is with Mars in Cancer (visible on Tuesday and Wednesday), making its exact conjunction this afternoon. They will rise a few hours before midnight and are visible until dawn. Early risers can look for them in the morning sky towards the southeast, near the stars Castor and Pollux, the feet of The Twins constellation, near Galactic Edge. And don’t forget to look for Jupiter as well, ahead of Moon and Mars along the ecliptic.


Thursday, October 24


Our lunation week ends with the Last Quarter Moon at 01 Leo 24 squaring the Sun in Scorpio. Mars in Cancer, still opposite to Pluto, is near the Moon, letting us know that the intensity of this week’s major alignments are definitely still in play.

However, with both the Sun and Moon now in zodiac signs of healthy self interest, there is a shift in focus from exclusively householder signs. Time to bring on Leo’s exuberant creativity in a sparky square to Scorpio’s intensity, as we wield our creative will in the service of what brings us energy and joy. To accomplish this most effectively, we must hold to the essence of what we personally value, the place where our soul encounters true beauty. Feeling the joy of our own deep connection with what brings us most alive is sometimes the best gift we can bring to others in these times of chaos and uncertainty.


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