Neptune Takes Center Stage – Part One

Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations of Daniel Giamario | March 27, 2025 |



The transit of Neptune during the first eclipse season of 2025 (roughly March 1 – April 8) raises many questions, and places a spotlight on the initiatory process of Neptune. The larger context of this inquiry must include the following events happening during this eclipse season and further along in 2025:

  • The end of Kali Yuga on March 20, 2025

  • Nearing the end of the Great Turning of the Ages Precessional Cycle (1962-2034)

  • The last Lunar Standstill season within the Great Turning

  • The heliacal rise of Venus on March 29 at 28Pisces52Rx, and Mercury’s station direct on April 6 at 24Pisces37, marking the beginning of new overstories, both in Pisces. The Venus overstory is the very same which inspired the original Sumerian Inanna ceremonial 5000 years ago!

  • Four outer planets ingress new signs in 2025

  • The great emphasis on the 00Aries degree: Neptune, Saturn and the North Node

  • A long Chiron-Eris alignment

  • The apparent end of the Fourth Turning for the United States, Europe and Crown colonies

Within this Eclipse Season, Neptune does the following:

  • March 19: Sun conjunct Neptune at 29Pisces36, the fourteenth and last Sun-Neptune conjunction in Pisces for 165 years

  • March 27: Venus Rx conjunct Neptune at 29Pisces53

  • March 28: Moon conjunct Venus Rx at 29Pisces56

  • March 29: Mercury conjunct Neptune at 29Pisces59

  • March 30: Neptune enters Aries

The 93% partial Solar Eclipse is March 29 at 9Aries00, with the North Node (27Pisces25), Venus (28Pisces48Rx), Saturn (24Pisces10) and Ceres (12Pisces56) all in Pisces, and MercuryRx re-entering Pisces just hours later. The Pisces North Node had aligned with Neptune in early February at 28Pisces01.


A Master Sun-Neptune Conjunction?


Neptune is surely worthy of frontline interest now. It has an orbit of 164.79 years, so few (if any!) modern humans will ever experience a Neptune Return. The opposition in our 80s and the square around age 40 are hugely important in a human lifespan, and it’s initiatory power and purpose hold a high priority in TOTAMS teachings. It has a prominent place in the Shamanic Timeline of our lives. What is currently of interest to me is if there is a master chart for Neptune historically and collectively. It would be a blueprint for a 165-year timeframe.

Neptune was officially discovered on September 24, 1846, just after midnight in Berlin. 2025 will mark the 179th birthday of the discovery. When discovered, Neptune was at 25Aquarius52 in a tight conjunction with Saturn at 25Aquarius07. This could be of great importance, as discussed later in this article.

With very little, if at all, disagreement, Neptune has universally been associated with Pisces, as its “ruler” or the planet most resonant with Pisces. Therefore, other than the birth chart, Neptune in Aquarius would not hold the master circuit. I have speculated that the first Sun-Uranus conjunction in Aquarius could be the master blueprint for Aquarius.


Sun-Neptune Conjunctions In Pisces and Aries


Going back an entire Neptune 165-year circuit, the Sun joined Neptune in Pisces for the first time on February 18, 1848. Just before that, Neptune ingressed Pisces on February 18, 1848. Thirteen Sun-Neptune conjunctions followed, up to the final conjunction on March 19, 1861, at 29Pisces04. Neptune entered Aries on April 13, 1861.

Neptune next entered Pisces on April 4, 2011, but the first Sun-Neptune conjunction did not happen until 2012. The current Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces sequence began on February 12, 2012, followed by the thirteenth which just happened on March 19, 2025 at 29Pisces36. Neptune’s ingress into Aries is March 30, 2025.

Going back to the last Neptune in Aries time, the first Sun-Neptune conjunction in Aries happened on March 21, 1862. Thirteen Sun-Neptune conjunctions followed with the last on April 18, 1874, at 28Aries18.

The next Neptune in Aries pattern of Sun-Neptune conjunctions starts March 22, 2026, followed by thirteen more Sun-Neptune conjunctions before the ingress into Taurus on May 21, 2038. The last of the series is April 18, 2038, at 28Aries47.


Can There Be A Master Blueprint For 165 Years?


Can there be one? And which one would it be? Possible contenders are:

  • Discovery chart

  • Ingress into Pisces

  • First Sun-Neptune in Pisces conjunction in a series of 14

  • Last Sun-Neptune in Pisces conjunction in a series of 14

  • Ingress unto Aries

  • First Sun-Neptune in Aries conjunction in a series of 14

  • A combination, but of what?

Any Sun conjunction with the Moon or any planet is a “seed point” that holds the pattern for the cycle’s overall timeframe – like the acorn holding the pattern of an oak tree! A planetary ingress can also be seen like that. For Neptune, that would be a pattern of about fourteen years. In a similar way, in much of the world and for much of the last 6000 years, the March Equinox and Sun’s entrance into Aries have been regarded to mark the New Year. Also, when the Sun ingressed, by precession, a new constellation, it was a new astrological age, or a “Great Year.” All can be seen as “seed points”, containing the entire pattern and blueprint.

We have already seen how important 2025 is, not least because Saturn and Neptune will pass 0Aries, and the North Node started the year just before reaching 0Aries. I am motivated to write this article now because Venus and Mercury (with Neptune and Saturn nearby) are moving back and forth between Pisces and Aries, about to begin new synodic Overstories, and soon propelled by an Aries Solar Eclipse, the first New Moon following the Equinox. My sense is that the ingress of Neptune from Pisces into Aries on March 30, combined with the last Sun-Neptune conjunction in Pisces this past March 25, holds the pattern, being the summation of the 165-years of Neptune in Pisces cycle, culminating with the entrance into Aries near the March Equinox. Recent research indicates that the March Equinox of 2025 marked the end of Kali Yuga, the deepest descent into materialism. What follows next is known as Ekpyrosis or Conflagration. So this data hold clues to the conflagration. The first Sun-Neptune conjunction in Aries on March 22, 2026, also holds vital clues.


What Does History Tell Us? Historic Neptune in Pisces


The previous Neptune in Pisces time of 1848-1861 was filled with events relevant to our current time. This is not intended to be a thorough breakdown of those event, though that would be a worthy project. Here are just a few of the things I noticed:

  • Spiritualism is widespread, as is the rise of Mormonism – threat to traditional religions.

  • The Telegraph spreads rapidly – the first electronic technology.

  • Marx and Engels write the “Communist Manifesto” in 1848.

  • The book “Utilitarianism” by John Stuart Mill is written in 1861, laying the foundation for the philosophy of the collective or “greater good”.

  • Countering this are the Transcendentalists who champion the individual and consciousness, but their influence begins to wane.

  • The Mexican-American war

  • The US-Canada border is established and California ejects Mexico.

  • The United States Civil War starts April 12, 1861.

  • So much war around the world – far too much to list here. Notable are: 1848 French Revolution, Dutch intervention in Bali, Taiping Rebellion, wars and revolutions in Germany, wars against Native Americans, and the Crimean War 1853-1856.

  • The Fourth Turning for the United States and Europe.

  • Birth of Rudolf Steiner in 1861.

Early Telegraph, ca. 1850


As they say, “History does not always repeat, but it often rhymes”.

I see these main themes:


a) Emerging philosophies of collectivism, communism and socialism

b) Transcendental and other non-traditional religions

c) Emergence of electronic technologies

d) War

e) The birthing of United States’ manifest destiny and imperialism


a) collectivism and promotion of “the greater good”

b) The AI cult of Homo Deus and Scientism replacing traditional religions

c) The global brain and a technological noosphere – Elon Musk wants to trademark “Telepathy” and “Telekinesis”.

d) War

e) Continued attempts at Anglo-American hegemony


What Does It Mean? What Does A Neptunian Initiation Intend?


It’s the cusp between Pisces and Aries that holds the keys. The timeframe from the last Sun-Neptune Conjunction in Pisces, the ingress to Aries and the first Sun-Neptune conjunction in Aries: March 19, 2025 – March 22, 2026.


The Intent of Astrological Neptune


First off, I reject most anything about Neptune that comes from the patriarchal Greek and Roman hijack of the Gods, allocating the world to the three brothers; Hades (Pluto), Zeus (Jupiter) and Poseidon (Neptune). Originally the God of the waters and power of the oceans, I see Neptune now more as being feminine in essence (as I also feel about Pluto). She is connected to celestial waters that reach all the way to the principle of Ananda, Cosmic Love Energy, the universal womb of creation, and ultimately to Grace, Mercy, and Divine Providence. For this, she expects surrender of the personal ego. She is supremely powerful, which is why this cosmic power was hijacked by patriarchy and why there is such a hunger for expanded and altered states of consciousness.

Anyone who is overly attached to the Middle World or to materialism will not like Neptune very much, seeing her initiatory contribution as being confusing, dissolving and deceptive. Her gift is to create events to force a surrender to “not Knowing” and being OK with that.

Each ingress of Neptune into a new sign, and the 14-year timeframe highlighted by the yearly Sun-Neptune “seed points”, indicates the contribution and the teaching Neptune needs to impart to that sign.




Since Neptune is most resonant with Pisces, she is reminding Pisces to be even more Piscean! Altered states, confusion, lack of boundaries, very little individualism, and a failure to notice or even be interested in the Middle World. Though marvelous for spiritual work and celestial visioning, it also can promote spiritual bypassing and light-polarization. Visions of 5D and a Golden Age abound, but with a failure to recognize that a human being already has twelve senses and can live in 5D without the need of technological enhancements and fake AI telepathy. Celestial World initiation is vital and necessary, but not in a split-off way that rejects or bypasses the Middle and Lower Worlds which are just as real!

Within TOTAMS, the spiritual essence of Pisces is transpersonal Compassion for all that is. At the end of this 14-year Neptune in Pisces time, we discern the final teachings of Neptune to Pisces to be: Include yourself as being worthy of Grace, Mercy and Divine Providence. No more victimhood and martyrdom!




And now, Neptune is moving through Aries for fourteen years. Water to Fire, end of the zodiac to its start … What can we propose the contribution of Neptune to Aries to be?

The essence of Aries is commitment: an all-in commitment to many possibilities, a relationship, a career, a spiritual path, with purpose and action. Over the last few millennia, all too often this has been channeled into war, aggression and winning. Aries is in need of revision! How about commitment to uphold the cosmic order, and Divine Plan! To become a protector of Earth and her children, rather than of the hegemony of corporations and states. How about a commitment to virtue, and priority given to spiritual education and initiation!

Neptune’s contribution to Aries can be the inclusion of compassion, with the ability to experience empathy and grief, with a connection to Holy Mother. However, due to the deceptive, illusory and confusing nature of Neptune, in these early stages of post Kali Yuga conflagration, a great deception may be unfolding. The powers that shouldn’t be are in the process of creating a simulacrum of Neptune, a fake artificial and technological Neptune, masquerading as Consciousness and Love. “The Cloud” and satellite space grid as a fake Neptune. This is the result of the deepest descent into materialism, devoid of connection to Soul and Spirit. This process is charging ahead. Do not be deceived or allow yourself to be confused about this. Fortunately, this ultimately cannot succeed, simply because it’s fake and a materialistic dead end. But the next fourteen years will be “interesting” indeed. I look forward to Neptune in Taurus!




Part Two of this contribution will explore Neptune in Aries in the years to come, gained from insights into the backstory of the previous Neptune-Aries passage, including the noteworthy presence of the Saturn-Neptune signature.

Meanwhile here is the chart of the Neptune ingress into Aries which may be the seed. We will also explore other possible seed charts.


More to come in our live Neptune Enters Aries Highlight Seminar, March 30, 5-7pm PDT.

We offer free livestream access and look forward to seeing you there!


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