The Turning of the Ages Mystery School is excited to announce our first IN PERSON EVENT since 2019!
Night Sky Cosmology
In Person Training
All the content of our Cosmology: Navigating the Night Sky Online Course and more offered LIVE in person!
We hope you will join us under dark skies in Southern Arizona to celebrate the magical connection between land and sky!
This course will provide credit towards Level 2: Fully Initiated Astrologer Certification, but is open to anyone wishing to develop a familiarity with the night sky and an understanding of the Turning of the Ages.
The event will also serve as an opportunity for students ready to receive their Level 2 certification to partake in their Astrological Vision Quest and graduation ceremony.

Cost of Course:
$595 (does not include food, lodging, or transportation)
*Premium members receive 20% OFF!
Not a member? > CLICK HERE
**Students who have already taken this course are eligible for 50% off > Contact Us
The course will be facilitated by certified faculty member and TOTAMS Astrologer, Erik Roth, with assistance from our managing director, Awen Labow and other members of our school faculty.
Night sky viewing portion of this course will take place at a location 15 minutes from the town of Old Bisbee. Lodging is available in the town, with camping options available on-site.
The nearest airport is in Tucson, AZ (approximately 2 hr drive to Bisbee). We suggest to please book an inbound flight that is scheduled to arrive in Tucson no later than 2pm on September 21st in order to arrive in time to join our opening circle on the evening of the 21st.
Outbound flights out of Tucson should ideally be scheduled no earlier than 4pm on September 25th to allow ample time to participate in the closing ceremonies.
More detailed event schedule and food and lodging options coming soon!
Full amount will be due by August 21st.
After making your payment, you will be redirected to a registration page. Please don’t forget to register!
Cancellation Policy:
This policy refers to cancellation for any reason (Includes Covid19 related cancellations)
Please note, all cancellations incur an administration fee of $100
Cancellation on or before July 21: Full refund will be issued*
Cancellation between July 22 and August 21: 50% refund*
Cancellation on or after August 22: No refund *(Tuition Transfer option still applies, see below)
*Tuition Transfer: Instead of a refund, you may instead choose to transfer the full amount paid to another participant or have the option to receive credit to be used towards a future event or online course hosted by the school.
In the unlikely event the school postpones or cancels this training for any reason, participants will be issued a full refund (minus administrative fee) or have the option to receive the full amount paid as credit to be used towards a future event or online course hosted by the school.
From Our School’s Founder, Daniel Giamario:

For well over two years now, we have not been able to present in-person events. Finally, we will have one! A growing number of students are reaching the stage of being fully certified, which requires the initiatory process of an in-person event. Happily, our managing director, Awen Labow, has agreed to host the event at his place near Bisbee, Arizona. Erik Roth will be there as the primary teacher, with a number of surprise special guests. This event will include camping and lodging options. It will include many classes for learning about the cosmology of the Turning of the Ages, as well as three nights out under the stars. It can also be a context and container for the “astrological vision quest” initiatory experience.
This event is open to all students of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School Paradigm (formerly the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm ™ who desire to have an “on the land and under the sky” connection to Great Mystery, and not just for those about to graduate as being Fully Certified. We have chosen the dates to loosely correspond with the September Equinox, and under dark skies just before a New Moon. This is also the very finest time of year to be on the land in Arizona.

Event Details

First day – Sept 21st (Wednesday)
Arrival, check in to your lodging, have a meal before coming to first evening gathering
6:30-9:30pm (Introduction/gathering)
Second day – Sept 22 (Thursday)
9:30am-12:30pm (history/sky mechanics/Bones of the sky)
Earth-Sky Relationship / Solar System
Earth’s Tilt and Wobble
Ecliptic, Equator and Time
2:00pm-4:30pm (The Zodiac)
History of the Zodiac and Other Zodiacs
Difference between Signs and Constellations
6:00pm-9:30pm (Night sky gathering)
Equinox Gathering and Ceremony (6:30pm)
Getting acquainted with the night sky
Learning to navigate the night sky
Third day – Sept 23 (Friday)
9:30am-1pm (cosmology session / world ages)
Cosmology, World Ages and where we are in time
Galactic Crosses, Hierophanies
2:30pm-6:00pm (Personal Stars)
Personal Stars and Star Directions
Finding you own personal star(s)
7:30pm-10pm (Night Sky Gathering)
More night sky training
Fourth day – Sept 24 (Saturday)
9:30am-1pm (World Chart)
Our Current Age and the World Chart (Open discussions)
2:30pm-5:30pm (Transits in 2022-23 / Q&A)
Major Planetary Transits taking place currently
Open discussions continued
Daniel Giamario Live from the Philippines
Equinox seminar by Daniel from 4PM-5:30PM live
7:30pm-10pm (Graduation)
Graduation of 3 Shamanic Astrologers including their all-night astrological vision quest ceremonial
Final Night Sky Training
Fifth Day – Sept 25 (Sunday)
9:30am-1pm (Q&A / Closing Circle)
Final Q&A
School announcements and planning ahead
Closing Circle
Time to go!
By Daniel Giamario
We will meet together under dark moonless evenings as the Libra New Moon will occur just after the closing circle at 2:55pm on Sunday September 25.
The major event of our time together will be the exact September Equinox occurring at 6:04PM on Thursday evening. This creates a perfect situation for an equinox ceremony that will include Awen placing a sunset equinox stone into his new and growing stone circle. The morning of Thursday and Friday will be the closest sunrises to the exact equinox.
Upon arrival the Moon will be in mid-Leo, moving into Virgo on Friday (second full day) at 12:53AM. The Moon remains in Virgo until 9:43AM, entering Libra at the time of our closing circle on Sunday morning. As these days are an “old” Moon, it can be possible to see the slim crescent before sunrise.
MERCURY—not visible
Mercury will in in retrograde, which is an ideal time for deep learning and inquiry. Mercury turns retrograde on September 9 at 8Libra55. Another highlight of the course is the exact Mercury/Sun conjunction on Thursday at 11:50PM at 0Libra14. These days are the most mysterious and alchemical of all Mercury phases, when retrograde and on the inside track between the Earth and Sun. From September 9-October 2, Mercury is completing the Taurus synodic overstory, transforming into the Virgo expression of perception, cognition, and communication October 2 when turning direct. During our time together Mercury moves from 1Libra32R to 27Virgo44R. Mercury enter Virgo at 5:04AM on Friday, just over 5 hours after the Moon does.
VENUS—not visible
Venus entered the exterior underworld on the other side of the Sun around September 15, and will not be seen. This is the Inanna portion of her 584-day synodic overstory, which currently animates Capricorn. This is when Venus/Inanna undergoes shamanic death and rebirth. She will not rise in the evening sky until around December 1. During our time together Venus moves from 20Virgo58 to 25Virgo29. Venus and Mercury are both very close by degree but Mercury is on the inside track, while Venus is on the outside track.
Mars is now quite bright and prominent high up in the morning sky, by the end of the training will be a nearly 120 degrees ahead of the Sun. Mars is in his final phase of the Aries 26-month synodic overstory, and will soon turn retrograde on October 30. Our paradigm deems this the gestation/incubation phase of the journey as the full Gemini incarnation is preparing to birth. That will occur on December 7 at the Mars/Sun opposition. During the course, Mars begins at 16Gemini41 moving to 18Gemini08 by the closing circle. Mars will be seen quite close to the great star Aldebaran, and well within the “Sacred Hoop”
Jupiter now is dominating the night sky, now far separated from Mars. Jupiter is retrograde now, and almost at opposition (September 26) when Jupiter will rise in the East as the Sun is setting. We will see Jupiter rise soon after sunset. Jupiter moves from 4Aries19R to 3Aries50, in approximate opposition to the Moon. Jupiter is now quite close to the vernal equinox and quite handy as a sky marker for locating where the ecliptic and celestial equator intersect.
Saturn, much less bright than Jupiter, and now less bright than Mars, also shines all night until setting in the early morning. For our evening gatherings, Saturn will have already risen in the East. During the course, Saturn, also retrograde, hardly moves at all: from 19Aquarius22R to 19Aquarius12R. The most important Saturn station direct on October 23rd is just around the corner. Saurn continues to play a major part in the Uranus and Nodal alignments. In the night sky, Saturn can still be found near the tail of the Goat-Fish and with the arms and body of the Waterbearer pouring the water jar.
Uranus, now retrograde, will move from 18Taurus35R to 18Taurus30R, still very strongly in square to Saturn. Were Uranus visible, it would be found just above Cetus, the Sea Monster or whale.
Neptune retrograde moves from 23Piscer53R to 23Pisces47R continuing to remind us of the alignments with Jupiter and the final phase of the Neptune opposition to the United Staes Neptune. Neptune is located in the Fish, also approaching the Vernal Equinox by 2025.
Pluto, still retrograde, travels very little from 26Capricorn10R to 26Capricorn09R. The last exact conjunction with the US natal Pluto approached at the end of December. In the sky, Pluto is on the hind/flanks of the horse of the Archer.
Move from 14Taurus25/14Scorpio25 to 13Taurus57/13Scorpio57. They have quite a part to play in the upcoming eclipse season.
I won’t say too much here, as the course is designed to teach this in depth. Suffice it to say that the September Equinox time, under a moonless evening sky, is the best possible time to see, and tune into the Galactic Center between the Archer and the Scorpion.