by Silvianne K. Delmars | March 21, 2025 |
Our lunation week begins Saturday with the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn and ends with a transformational Aries New Moon partial Solar Eclipse just a week later on March 29. This week is chock full of potentially life-altering cosmic signposts, so let’s dive right in (all times in PDT).
Saturday, March 22
The Last Quarter Moon at 02 Capricorn 05, reaching maximum out of bounds today, is squaring the Sun in Aries this morning. If you are up before dawn, look for the Moon near the tip of the arrow of the Archer constellation, pointing the way to Galactic Center.
We are entering the integration and composting phase of this Pisces lunation month, in a powerful eclipse window bracketing the Spring Equinox. A deeply resonant timing for consciously digging deep to unearth old patterns that long to be released to make room for new growth on the horizon. Be sure to support both your body and your tender inner child, as we navigate these tremendous currents of change.
Leo Overstory Venus is passing between the Earth and the Sun, in her quick-change metamorphosis phase, as her current 19-month journey of archetypal integration draws to a close later this week. Although we calculate her disappearance and reappearance for ceremonial purposes based on when Venus is 10 degrees away from the Sun, the actual observational period can vary from cycle to cycle, and depending upon how far north you live on the globe.
This is one of the times when it might be possible to observe Venus in both the morning and evening sky on the same day from some locations. Look for her today and tomorrow, low to the horizon just shortly before sunrise in the east or shortly after sunset in the west (although she will be hard to spot in the glow of the Sun).
Monday, March 24
Sagittarius overstory retrograde Mercury is in its metamorphosis phase as well, passing between the Earth and Sun. It has its exact meet-up with the Sun early this afternoon at 04 Aries 24. A great time for tuning in for nuggets of cosmic wisdom, as the elusive messenger planet prepares to shift from its 4-month long archetypal integration in truth-questing Sagittarius into a whole new synodic cycle sourced in heart-centered Pisces.
With Mercury in retrograde motion, and the Moon making its monthly pass over depth-initiator Pluto, this is a supportive timing for introspection, reminding us of the importance of going back to further refine the details of what has already been put in motion over the last weeks or months.
Although there are tremendous currents of change pushing up from the depths, impulsing each of us towards our own metamorphic transformation, it is imperative in this pregnant cosmic moment that we dedicate time and energy to the messy, and often challenging, undertaking of clearing up outworn patterns. Building a strong foundation now based upon newly revised, clearly understood internal values will accelerate our soul growth in the unfathomable time of change we feel bearing down upon us.
Wednesday, March 26
Cancer Overstory Mars, nearing the end of his initial Rebirth and Emergence phase, can be seen high in the sky after sunset, setting before dawn, as he travels with the stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation of the Twins, nearing the edge of the Sacred Hoop.
Mars in supportive Cancer is squaring healer Chiron in mission-oriented Aries today, emphasizing the importance of this journey of archetypal integration for a new, more life-affirming sacred masculine expression, in both men and women, free from the dominator-culture overlay of the last few thousand years.
Thursday, March 27
Leo overstory Venus is retrograding back into late degrees of Pisces early this morning, preparing for her ceremonial heliacal rise in the morning sky in just a few days, when she reaches 10 degrees from the Sun. This marks the first time that the Sacred Feminine archetypal integration of Pisces will be activating the collective consciousness in well over 100 years.
Venus, in the potent last degree of Pisces, will meet-up with dreamy Neptune (resonant planet to this numinous, watery sign) just a few hours later. Take advantage of this supportive timing to swim with abandon into uncharted waters of the personal and collective subconscious, seeking inspiration for the dream longing to be birthed through you in the months and years to come. What original soul-seeds did you come to plant, to sustain the inhabitants of an as-yet-unknown future?
Friday, March 28
Today’s timings emphasize the ongoing confluence of powerful energies in culminating Pisces, about to move into initiator Aries, as the Moon activates structure-loving Saturn, future-impulsed North Node, metamorphic Venus, and dreamy Neptune in late degrees of Pisces over the course of the day, before passing retrograde Mercury in the very first degree of Aries, the seed point degree for the entire circle of the zodiac.
We are in such a powerful, liminal space, called to look back and digest the teachings of many lifetimes, while simultaneously hearing the resounding call of a future now, birthed by a pending quantum transformation. This is a time for courageously facing all that in unresolved from the past so we can more forward unreservedly towards our most abundant future vision.
Saturday, March 29
Today’s timings certainly deserve our full attention, as the New Moon meets the Sun at 09 Aries 00 in a nearly full partial Solar Eclipse, visible in north-eastern North America, Greenland, Iceland, the north Atlantic Ocean, most of Europe and north-western Russia. This event closes the deeply transformative 2-week eclipse window that began with the Virgo Full Moon on March 13.
On the very same day, we celebrate the official heliacal rise of Pisces Overstory Venus, as the planet of the Sacred Feminine gets ten degrees away from the Sun in the morning sky. After 104 years of rising every eight years in Aries, this Aries Equinox arm of the Venus synodic cycle pentacle is now beginning a new 104-year stint of rising in Pisces.
Retrograde Mercury continues to accompany Venus on this magical journey, re-entering Pisces this evening and meeting with visionary Neptune shortly thereafter, presaging Neptune’s shift into Aries early tomorrow morning, after spending 14 years in its resonant sign of Pisces.
A convincing argument can certainly be made for considering this the beginning of a master Venus cycle, affecting not just the next 19-months, or even the next 100 years, but marking the beginning and ending of a much larger cycle spanning centuries.
However we choose to interpret the current timings, they unequivocally support our deepest soul knowing, the conviction that we are not living in ordinary times. We have spent many lifetimes preparing to be here just now, in this timeless moment, in an unparalleled time of transmutation, personally and globally.
These notes are being written at the heart of the Equinox window, on the first bright morning at the emergence from the darkness of the ascending Kali Yuga, into the seed moment when Earth and all of her creatures turn towards the light. For the first time in almost 13,000 years we are headed back towards a Golden Age, instead of away from it. Towards inclusion rather than separation. Towards a full remembrance of our essence as divine beings rather than falling deeper into the darkness of separation and descent into rampant materialism.
Although the time of transition that lies ahead may be long and challenging, I believe this underlying energetic shift is palpable and will continue to increase its supportive influence. Remember to foster compassion for yourself as well as others, as we dance together with open hearts in these chaotic times towards the embodiment of a new personal and global consciousness.