Pisces Lunation · Third Quarter

by Silvianne K. Delmars | March 14, 2025 |



Our lunation week begins with a compelling Lunar eclipse Full Moon in Virgo and ends with the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn. Here are the highlights (all times in PDT).



Thursday, March 13


We open this year’s first eclipse season tonight, as the Full Moon at 23 Virgo 57 stands opposite to the Sun in Pisces, exact at 11:55 pm.

This is a South Node eclipse and can be particularly powerful for engaging in shadow work. With Saturn and Neptune joining the Sun and North Node in Pisces, opposite the Virgo Moon, there is an amplification of the current emphasis on all things Pisces. For more information see this month’s Full Moon article.


The March 13/14 2025 Virgo Lunar Eclipse, seen partial just before sunrise/moonset across the Bristol channel towards Wales.


Friday, March 14


Sagittarius overstory Mercury, still in its Hermes evening star phase, begins its synthesis phase today shortly before turning retrograde in early degrees of Aries. Currently visible low in the evening sky, this elusive messenger planet, along with Venus, is set to disappear below the horizon later this week. It will then enter its metamorphic phase, when it will pass between Earth and the Sun, preparing to begin a whole new archetypal overstory in watery Pisces early next month. Don’t miss this opportunity to catch a glimpse.


Saturday, March 15


The waning Gibbous Moon can be found near Spica tonight and tomorrow night as it passes this brightest star in the Virgin constellation. Look for it to rise in the east in the late evening and remain visible through dawn.


Sunday, March 16


Leo overstory Venus, approaching the final stages of her 19-month journey of archetypal integration, is ending her reign as evening star in the western sky, as she also prepares to pass between Earth and the Sun. This marks her entrance to the Metamorphic Underworld, where she undergoes her mysterious and rapid transformation into a whole new version of the archetypal Feminine. This all-new Pisces overstory Venus journey will begin on March 29.


Tuesday, March 18


The waning gibbous Moon will be near the star Zubenelgenubi early this morning, in the constellation of the scales, approaching red Antares. Look towards the south, in the hours after midnight and before dawn.


Wednesday, March 19


The Sun meets with Neptune at 29 Pisces 36 this afternoon. Another amplified opportunity to tune in to cosmic transmissions as this planet of inspiration experiences its yearly solar activation.

The sun enters Aries in the very early hours tomorrow morning, heralding the Equinox and the beginning of Spring in the northern hemisphere. This is one of the four great turning points of the year, when the Sun rises and sets due east and west. This three-day window offers a powerful energetic alignment for sending prayers of gratitude and love to our sacred planet and all her creatures.


Thursday, March 20


The waning gibbous Moon passes Antares tonight, the red star at the heart of the Scorpion constellation, visible after midnight until almost dawn. This is one of the four Royal Stars, marking a powerful stargate near Galactic Center.

With the iconoclastic out of bounds Moon nearby, we are invited to dream into an entirely new paradigm for ourselves and the world, as we listen within for its transformational wisdom.


Friday, March 21


Jupiter in Gemini continues to shine brightly high overhead in the night sky among the stars of the Bull constellation, with red Aldebaran, another Royal Star, nearby. Cancer overstory Mars, still in his birth and emergence phase, is also visible not far away, near the twin stars Castor and Pollux.


Saturday, March 22


The Last Quarter Moon at 02 Capricorn 05, reaching maximum out of bounds today, is squaring the Sun in Aries this morning. If you are up before dawn, look for the Moon near the tip of the arrow of the Archer constellation, pointing the way to Galactic Center.

Venus meets the Sun this evening at 02 Aries 39, invisible to us in her quick-change metamorphosis phase, as her 19-month journey of archetypal integration in Leo is coming to a close.

This is a potent combination of cosmic timings for acknowledging the gifts of radical self-love and unbridled creative agency offered by the fiery, sovereign Sacred Feminine. What memories of enthusiastic, self-sourced co-creation with life are arising from within, for us to gather and integrate as we prepare for a very different archetypal journey through watery, numinous, spirit-centered Pisces?

The magic they carry will help us to create and maintain healthy boundaries over the months to come, as we follow a rocky path towards a renewed communion with our larger Soul selves, and an ever-deeper experience of ecstatic union with Great Mystery.


Connect with Silvianne

Image credit: Naraya Naserian

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