by Daniel Giamario | June 2, 2024 |
Firstly, I want to address the media-hyped “rare planetary lineup” this week. Having the major planets within a 90degree zone is not so rare. I have countless horoscopes of clients with all the major planets, and even including Chiron and Pluto, in one quadrant of the chart. Check out what the valuable astronomy site, Sky and Telescope, has to say!
Much of the hype is AI driven. Like TOTAMS, Sky and Telescope, Earth-Sky, and other fine sites such as, do not use AI driven content. Sometimes, the internet as well as AI can be a great research tool, but it’s always better to not trust it and actually do your own research.
Yes, seven planets and even Chiron are within 90degrees, but only Mars and Saturn are visible! Nevertheless, there are notable astrological events to be aware of this week.
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter
As the week begins, Mercury is descending into the exterior Underworld on the other side of the Sun. From June 6-22, Mercury is off the world stage in the psychopomp phase of the Aries Synodic Overstory. Whilst in this phase, Mercury moves from Gemini to Cancer. On the same day, Tuesday, June 4, Jupiter is just barely ascending from that same Underworld. They meet exactly at 14Gemini17 at 3:23am PDT. This conjunction will be nearly impossible to see, but the rising Jupiter is certainly expanding the capacity of Mercury to perform its magical function of assisting souls on their journeys both into the Celestial and the Lower World dimensions of initiation. Of note here is that the United States’ natal Descendant is 13Gemini10 and Mars 21Gemini22.
Venus is in the Inanna Underworld until July 11/12 when she rises as an evening star while entering the sign of Leo where she began her Leo Overstory journey in August of last year. Also on June 4, at 8:32am PDT, only about 5 hours after the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, Venus exactly meets the Sun in her once every 584 days exterior conjunction. This occurs at 14Gemini29.
This is the greatest depth of the exterior underworld phase of Venus’ Leo Synodic Overstory. It marks the primary initiatory date for surrender, vulnerability, and the opportunity to grieve. Reminiscent of 5000 years ago, when the primary reason for Inanna/Venus’ journey into the Underworld was to grieve the death of the “Great Bull of Heaven” – the replacement of matrilineal culture with the patriarchy – this week provides ample opportunity for grieving! For example: the degradation and sickness of our Earth Mother, the loss of our indigenous souls, false class and hierarchy, and the multitude of other ravages of patriarchy, now at the very end of the Kali Yuga, when materialism has reached its apex and inevitable outcome.
On Friday, June 7, TOTAMS is offering a free seminar about the Inanna Underworld phase of this Venus cycle. Details are here!
Mars and Saturn
Now the only visible planets, both are about the same magnitude of +1.1. Mars at 25Aries02 on Sunday, has just recently passed Chiron. The Moon in Aries is near Mars on Monday morning in the vicinity of the brightest stars of the Ram constellation. Meanwhile, about 40degrees higher up in the morning sky, the only other visible planet, Saturn residing at 18Pisces49, can be spotted.
Also of Interest:
The New Moon is on Thursday June 6 at 5:38am PDT at 16Gemini18. This degree is not only the degree that Mars began his Gemini synodic overstory on December 7, 2022, but also the degree of a hugely important Mars-Jupiter conjunction on August 14!
This week’s TOTAMS Newsletter will have more detailed New Moon features as well as my monthly ‘Ramblings’ article. Click here to subscribe!