by Daniel Giamario
October 3, 2022
The primary astrological configuration of 2021 and 2022 has been the square of Saturn to Uranus. In 2021 there were three exact squares, and many thought it was “over”. However, though not “exact”, the world is now at a point of peak intensity in a fourth Saturn square Uranus time. From September 15 2022 through October 23 2022, Saturn squares Uranus within one degree. This week contains the closest of all.
Sunday Oct.2 Saturn 18Aquarius56.6 Uranus 18Taurus19.2 within 37.4 minutes

Monday Oct.3 Saturn 18Aquarius54.6 Uranus 18Taurus17.4 within 37.2 minutes
Tuesday Oct.4 Saturn 18Aquarius52.7 Uranus 18Taurus15.6 within 37.1 minutes
Wednesday Oct.5 Saturn 18Aquarius50.9 Uranus 18Taurus13.8 within 37.1 minutes
Thursday Oct.6 Saturn 18Aquarius49.2 Uranus 18Taurus11.9 within 37.3 minutes
Adding to the power and unpredictability of these days is the extreme Out-of-Bounds Moon on October 2, 3, and 4. The Moon in early Capricorn will reach as far as 27S24 declination, now a full four degrees outside the ecliptic. Then, an Aquarius Moon conjoins Saturn at 11:00am PDT on Wednesday Oct.5 at 18Aquarius50., with the square to Uranus reaching its closest point just over an hour prior.
Adding to this is the US Pluto Return and Neptune opposition, Mercury stationary direct at 24Virgo11 closely in conjunction with the US Neptune square Mars, and the US progressed Lunar Return (SEE THIS ARTICLE:
This whole week can be expected to include major attempts by the “powers that shouldn’t be” to hold on to power, all the while either creating or responding to “unexpected” events. The Neptune factor will likely create deception and confusion, with multiple lines of probability emerging, without much clarity. What is certainly required is our school’s signature “Three Worlds Approach” (FOR DETAILS:
The other transit of great interest is rapidly brightening Mars in Gemini. Mars is in Gemini from August 19 2022 until March 25 2023, an astonishing 217 days, nearly seven months. During this time-frame, Mars has a triple conjunction with Aldebaran, the important reddish bulls-eye star of the Bull Constellation.
Of even greater interest this week is the first of three exact Mars conjunctions with the United States natal Mars at 21Gemini22 on October 4 at 4:24pm PDT. There will be two more on November 23 2022 and March 5 2023. The cosmic spotlight is directed at the natal Mars square Neptune.
Taking into account US history, and the most recent events, I would expect the main themes to further be amplified. These include the immature/puer behavior of the American hegemon (the government, not the people); the increasing global awareness of the Neptunian delusion/deception and hypocrisy of United States idealism, freedom and democracy; and above all the inherent bifurcation element of the US: polarization within and global behavior driving the world into a bi-polar reality.
These next months may offer the greatest clues yet as to whether Rudolf Steiner’s prediction from a century ago will come about: “The War of All against All”.