Timeless Articles

When is the Real Blue Moon?

The Calendar year 2020 features 13 Full Moons with two Full Moons October 1 and 31. This is NOT the original definition of a Blue Moon as described below though many do refer to the second Full Moon of any month including the 2020 October 31 Full Moon as a Blue Moon....

Past, Present and Future Mystery Schools

New Moon October 17, 2020 Essence vs. Content by Daniel Giamario “Emulating the Merlin at the Turning of the Ages” A VLOG with Daniel Giamario and Mary Kern First of a new regular offering from SAMS Invoking Merlin The mythical and archetypal personage known as the...

Why Shamanic Astrology is NOT Sun Sign Astrology

These videos are designed to help in understanding why Shamanic Astrology is NOT Sun Sign Astrology Part 1: Why Shamanic Astrology is NOT Sun Sign Astrology   Part 2: The Sun As It Expresses through the Elements Part 3: Sun and Shadow Former Social Media Posting...

Returning to Basics

The Underpinnings of the Practice of Shamanic Astrology ~ By Beau Taylor Lately I’ve been going ‘back to basics’, turning my attention to the writings of some of the early pioneers in humanistic astrology in order to more deeply inform my personal astrological...

A Seed by Dane Rudhyar

written in 1973 I feel we are at the threshold of a new age, and that we need now, more than anything else, a new approach to human relationships and to social organization. We need a planetary approach, we need a synthetic approach. We need something in which the...

As Above So Below, As Within So Without

by Dana Zia I started studying Astrology in the late 80s after meeting Daniel Giamario and receiving my first reading from him. At that time, he was living in Maui and was teaching one day classes on different aspects of this paradigm. I loved those classes! His way...

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