by Silvianne K. Delmars | Sept 17, 2024 |
This week’s astro update began with a Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on September 17 and ends with an out-of-bounds Last Quarter Moon in Cancer on September 24. Here are the highlights (all times in PDT).
Tuesday, September 17
Our week began with a Pisces Full Moon, also a partial Lunar Eclipse, at 25 Pisces 41, opposite to the Sun in Virgo, exact at 7:34 pm PDT. We have now entered a two-week eclipse portal, opened with this Lunar Eclipse and closing on October 2 with the Libra New Moon solar eclipse. This is a potent timing for seeding desired change.
Our thoughts, fuelled by our true feelings, are always key. Indeed, they govern what we bring into reality, and what we eventually experience as the inner and outer circumstances of our lives. During an eclipse window, this process is accelerated. Create ceremony, and call on the highest potential of this heart-centered Pisces Full Moon energy to guide your awareness and decisions over the coming weeks. Have faith that your focused intent now will manifest in the months and years to come, contributing to the unfolding of a more nurturing and abundant collective New Earth reality.
Wednesday, September 18
The waning Full Moon, still in very late degrees of Pisces just a few hours after the eclipse, will make its monthly rendezvous with Neptune in the early morning hours. Although Neptune is not visible, as we meditate with the Moon under the night sky, we can tune in to this timing that continues to resonate with the Pisces Moon eclipse vibes of connection with All Oneness, longing to be brought into practical form in this Sun in Virgo season.
Mercury has now disappeared in the morning sky, having arrived to within 10 degrees of the Sun. This marks its entrance into the psychopomp phase in its 3 month Leo overstory synodic cycle that began August 28. Archetypally, the messenger planet is now acting as a guide to souls as they make their passage through the lower world. As we seek guidance for the part of our own psyche that may be seeking wisdom in the depths, we can tune in to Saturn as it approaches the western horizon in the hours before dawn, making its exact opposition to Mercury today, a couple of hours after midnight.
Thursday, September 19
The waning gibbous Moon has its monthly meet-up with Chiron this afternoon, currently retrograde in the pioneering sign of Aries. A resonant timing for re-orienting our priorities. What “righteous battles” are we fighting, internally or externally – and do they truly serve our highest values? Are we being called to switch to a less contentious, although equally dedicated, stance – one that might better serve our deepest soul-driven sense of sacred purpose?
Although Chiron is not visible, the Moon will be most of the night, traveling in between Saturn farther west (rising around sunset), and Mars and Jupiter to the east (rising around midnight), still drawing our attention to the potent Galactic Edge. A comprehensive cast of planetary guides, indeed, as we seek wise counsel under the night sky.
Friday, September 20
Leo overstory synodic cycle Venus, in the relational sign of Libra, continues to navigate through the second chakra portal of essential creativity. Continue to look for her this week in the early evening sky, as she becomes more readily visible above the western horizon, moving slowly but surely towards her greatest elongation in this evening star ascent phase, which won’t happen until next January.

Equinox Sun at Faywood Hot Springs Stone Circle
Saturday, September 21
We have now entered the 3-day equinox window, with the sunset happening closest to the equinox occurring this evening. The Moon in Taurus conjuncts invisible retrograde Uranus tonight as well, reminding us that we can continue to expect the unexpected. How do we continue to seek and hold the healing balance in volatile times? A worthy contemplation as we focus our energies at this sacred turning of the seasonal wheel.
Sunday, September 22
The Sun enters Libra at 5:44 am PDT, just before sunrise, marking the exact Equinox point. With the Equinox occurring so close to Tuesday’s Lunar Eclipse, the south node is only six degrees away from the Sun, emphasizing the collective importance of this activation for humanity’s past and future timeline. As we join with others in sending heartfelt prayers and visionary intentions for the world during this Equinox balance point, there is a powerful opportunity to spark exponential transformation.
We have chosen to be present in extra-ordinary times. As if to emphasize this fact, the Moon will again be moving out of bounds today during the Equinox window. And evening sky Venus in Libra will be making an exact square to retrograde Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn, reminding us of the importance of showing up for the hard work of conscious relationship, as the old systems fall around us.
Creating new structures with one foot still balanced precariously in old modes of thinking, and the other poised over the pregnant void, is certainly not easy. And we know in our souls that this is precisely what we came for, here at this unprecedented cosmic turning point. This week abounds in opportunities to leverage the magic of Earth Sky connections in support of this supremely exhilarating, scarily deep, impossibly challenging and, ultimately, infinitely rewarding Great Work.