Out Of Chaos Comes Order, but by what means?

Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations of Daniel Giamario | Feb 25, 2025 |



Introduction: Aftermath of the U.S. Presidential Selection


This month’s article follows on the heels of two articles from last month: The Inauguration and the Fate of the United States (Jan. 25, 2025) and A Plutonian Inauguration (Jan 19, 2025). To connect with this article, it is helpful to have read these fully. My articles about Technosis can also be useful, as well as my many articles and videos about the United States horoscope.

I will summarize a few things before delving into the main topic. I have consistently held the position to never support the “lesser of two evils” and to as much as possible stay clear of partisanship and falling for the two party duopoly (symbolized by many parts of the United States chart, and her cycles now). My trusted intel always comes from sources that are able to look at events beyond partisanship, and reference an awareness of hundreds of years of history, including so-called “secret societies.” Going into the presidential election, I had a number of “Red Lines” – the things of concern that were the real agenda, no matter who won:

1) The unconditional embrace of Israel and Zionism. Both parties were the same on this.

2) The complete embrace of AI and everything digital (think Project Stargate). Both parties the same.

3) The embrace of a total surveillance state (think Peter Thiel and Palantir). Both parties the same.

4) The lack of any accountability about “Project Warp Speed” and the entire Covid-1984 and fake vaccine and virus agenda. Both parties the same.

5) The move towards digital money and digital identity. Both parties the same.

6) The continuation of global United States Empire and Hegemony, by any and all means. Both parties the same: Trump’s Technate, and what Biden said on March 22, 2022 (though few remember): “There is going to be a New World Order out there, and we’ve got to lead it.”

No more Republic, no more Democracy, no more Constitution: Rule by un-elected billionaire oligarchs, plutocrats and technocrats, all on schedule. Both sides love to accuse the other of fascism, yet few even seem to know the definition of that word. It means the fusion of government with corporations, and always has meant that. The global elite love to use the expression: “public-private partnership”, which IS fascism. The Democrats were taken over by corporations since the 1980s, and an oligarchic technocratic takeover and AI merging with government is actually the same thing. Both are fascistic in reality.

An obvious revelation is that the duopoly, the apparent back and forth between Red and Blue as the two teams in opposition to each other, can now be clearly seen as a Uni-party, in lock step with the greater agendas. Each side gets swept away when their team wins, and small “wins” are offered to their voters, while they are distracted, as the greater agendas accelerate. It is the “revelation of the method.”

The primary aftermath, over a month out now, is CHAOS. How much is inevitable chaos and how much is intentional chaos?


The Larger Context of the Times:

Acceleration, Recapitulation and Inversion


Covered extensively elsewhere, it is necessary to briefly establish the larger context of recent events and the overwhelmingly remarkable astrological, historical, and cosmological cycles of 2025 and 2026.

There are a multitude of converging cycles including the end and beginning of the 26,000 year precessional cycle, the end of Kali Yuga at the March Equinox of 2025, four outer planets ingressing new signs in the same year, the end of the Fourth and/or Fifth Sun, as well as the Fourth Turning and the sixth global mass extinction. Also of note is the Pluto and Chiron Return of the United States horoscope with the Uranus Return in 2027.

TOTAMS has proposed the larger timeframe of the Great Turning of the Ages to be 1962-2034. We have used the concepts of acceleration and recapitulation to help understand what is happening and how to navigate.

The recent work of Bibhu Dev Misra with his ground-breaking book “Yuga Shift” adds to our understanding as it correlates with my own research. It can now be demonstrated that the Yuga cycles exactly line up with the precessional cycles. If you have not yet seen my interview with Bibhu, here is the link.

The time of the end of Kali Yuga is when materialism is at its most extreme and when connection to Spirit, Soul, Heart and moral and ethical qualities of our basic humanity are at their lowest ebb. It’s also a time of maximum involution, or even devolution, as the rising and falling of consciousness and evolution proceeds in cycles, rather than in a linear view of “progress.” Surely AI “Artificial Intelligence” (if there was ever an oxymoron, this is it!), the metaverse, and the creation of digital twins and the digital simulacrum of the entire Earth, are the final and deepest descent into materialism. If we must use the acronym “AI” let’s think Authentic Intelligence.”

Another insight of the Kali Yuga time-line is the clear revelation of inversion; most everything that we see is an inversion of the truth and the real thing. Examples abound here that I have covered elsewhere. I will mention just one here: Rulers achieve power by way of money or armies, rather than spiritual initiation and elder knowledge. War is Peace.

Everyone of these points is worthy of far deeper dives and I have covered them elsewhere. It seemed important to re-establish this wider context to be ready for the main topic.


ORDO ab CHAO: Order from Chaos


The phrase “Order From Chaos” is loosely based on the Latin phrase: “Ordo Ab Chao,” translated as “Out of Chaos, Comes Order.” This is often regarded as a means to impose totalitarian control over society, first by creating chaos through various forms of subterfuge, then using this as an excuse to institute order.

This is also the motto of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. It has also been the intent of the Left-hand Secret Societies that have infiltrated countless global organizations (the UN, WEF, Illuminati, etc). However, to understand this more fully, a deeper dive is required, because this phrase used to mean something very different.

In earliest Greek mythology there is a phrase “out of chaos comes the world” which refers to the concept that “Chaos,” a primordial state of complete emptiness and disorder, was the first thing to exist, and from this initial chaos, the universe and all creation emerged. Essentially, the world was born from a state of nothingness.

Chaos, in early Greek cosmology, was either the primeval emptiness of the universe before things came into being or the abyss of Tartarus, the underworld. Both concepts occur in the Theogony of Hesiod. First there was Chaos in Hesiod’s system, then Gaea and Eros (Earth and Desire). Chaos, however, did not generate Gaea; the offspring of Chaos were Erebus (Darkness) and Nyx. Nyx begat Aether, the bright upper air, and Day. Nyx later begat the dark and dreadful aspects of the universe (e.g., Dreams, Death, War, and Famine). This concept tied in with the other early notion that saw in Chaos the darkness of the underworld. Notice the similarity here to our TOTAMS understanding of Plutonian initiations.

The Christian traditions, as in Revelation 21, gives some detail regarding the end of the age and the restoration of order to God’s creation, after sin had brought disorder and chaos. This rehabilitation culminates with God creating a new heaven and a new earth. There is no longer any chaos.

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)

Confusion will be gone. Order wins over chaos, and those who pursued and promoted the chaos of sin will no longer be allowed to disseminate disarray.

“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice black magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” (Revelation 21:4)

A Shiva and Shakti Story is another view pertinent to this topic and the current situation. There are many different interpretations of Shiva and Shakti, depending on where and when in India, but here is a story with some relevance. Shakti can be seen here as our vibrant and fecund Earth Mother, like a combination of Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio. Shiva, a male God, in this story is seen as the Supreme Lord who protects and transforms the Universe and destroys it when necessary. At the end of Kali Yuga, Shakti informs Shiva that she is unwell: her oceans are polluted, the plants do not grow as they should, the seasons are scrambled, the animals are suffering, and evil abounds. In short, she can no longer be Shakti. She reminds Shiva of their agreement: When she cannot be herself, that is the time for Shiva to destroy the world, and create space for a new creation.


Order Out of Chaos: Natural or Intentional?


Let’s take a stratospheric view, from high above the two-party paradigms, taking into account the converging timelines and the end of Kali Yuga, and including the variety of views about Chaos already discussed. Let’s try to sort out what is likely to be happening. One more mythic and archetypal character begs to be introduced: the Goddess Eris.

Only a part of the astrological canon since the early 2000’s, I perceive her as a blend of Gemini and Scorpio. She was the uninvited and excluded guest. Eris is a powerful and unpredictable archetype, and our school has always prioritized inviting her into our circles. I think that the inquiry she provokes is whether chaos is intentional or natural. For example, her actions in the famous story of the judgment of Paris, which motivated the abduction of Helen and provoked the Trojan War. That war, happening at the turning of the Taurus Age into the Aries Age, allowed the Greek Zeus patriarchal culture to destroy the Trojan matriarchal culture. This was happening all over anyway, but were the actions of Eris intentionally creating chaos, or part of a natural process?

The powers that shouldn’t be LOVE to promote chaos, through a variety of means, including many false flags, disinformation, and unnecessary wars. The alt-right, knowing full well about the Fourth Turning, have hungered for this post-Covid time to dismantle the government. Figures like Steve Bannon, who I am no fan of, has been well aware of what was possible at the end of the Fourth Turning, and was openly advocating for what is now happening. But even he has been aghast at the Musk-Thiel etc. oligarchic billionaire AI driven takeover. It was certainly time for the dismantling to happen, and it’s easy for many to cheer it on. But who is intentionally dismantling, and to be replaced by what?

Meanwhile a good portion of the Christian community, and especially the strange breed of Christian-Zionists, wholeheartedly believe one particular version of the end-time prophecies and will do most anything to promote it actually happening, as if it’s a script to follow. This is something that I question.

And behind the scenes for centuries, the secret societies have been preparing for this time. It’s actually all out in the open now, if you are not blinded by partisanship, heroes, the “our side is winning” mentality, and the legacy and mainstream alternative media (MAM) propaganda. This is another expression of the “revelation of the method.” The Masonic Scottish Rite ORDO ab CHAO is out in the open.


Natural and Necessary Chaos for a New Order


The Chaos happening around the world is right on schedule. The phenomena of acceleration, recapitulation and inversion are supremely evident, except for the most asleep. The recent research on the Yuga Shift reveals that at the end of Kali Yuga will occur a conflagration, just as a 1200 year period of deluge, occurred halfway back in the 26,000-year precessional cycle, the period known today as the Younger Dryas.

At the end of Kali Yuga, a period of 6000 or so years, is the time when – in the up and down cycles of history (or often herstory) – materialism, the deepest descent into matter, and inversion is greatest. It’s the time of involution, the deepest descent of Spirit into Matter. It’s a natural situation that occurs as part of the greater calendric, astrological, and cosmological cycles. That time is now, or at least in the time-frame of 1962-2034. There are, however, so many clues that 2025 is highly significant and the time to choose what path to take.

Naturally induced chaos could ensue by means of a micro-nova, plasma strikes, asteroid strikes, galactic center flare-ups, magnetic pole shifts and excursions, the Earth herself expanding, and many other novel possibilities. What is clear is that at the end of Kali Yuga, the deepest descent into materialism and the Great Inversion, will have to be composted, one way or another. Most all that is potentially uplifting, heartful and soulful has been cleverly hijacked.

So what kind of Chaos is not natural? Intentional false flags, banker wars, ethnic cleansing, manipulated scarcity, manipulated weather events, attempts to fulfill some versions of Bible prophecy, etc. But above all, the imposition of an AI takeover run by unelected billionaire oligarchs, technocrats and bankers. My view is that AI is the single greatest threat to organic natural human beings, or as Greg Braden puts it, “pure humans.” AI is not natural evolution or progress, but rather the deepest descent into materialism.

TOTAMS values personal sovereignty and privacy, but also free will. Should you desire to merge with machines and enter the metaverse, the cloud and the hive mind, you should have the freedom to do that. But those of us who do not desire to proceed on that timeline should also have the freedom to choose not to, nor have it imposed on us without consent.

This series of articles is not about being fearful, or seeing all this as doom and gloom. Actually the opportunity to freely choose, and to do the serious work of developing the Spiritual Will to actively choose to connect with Spirit, Soul and a loving Heart is far greater in Kali Yuga and at the end and beginning of precessional cycles. The contrast is far easier to see than in Golden Ages.



What to do?


With, the knowledge that these are not ordinary times and that there is no going back to what you thought was “normal” before, TOTAMS advocates our foundational Three Worlds Approach.

Equally important is to align with your intended Life Purpose; to find your place on the wheel of life. If you can do that, it really does not matter so much what happens in the Middle World “out there.” TOTAMS exists to help you with that. Each individual has a unique part to play in these times.

Lastly, surrender is quite important!

Neptune: surrender to Grace, Mercy and Divine Providence and the value of not-knowing.

Pluto: surrender to many forms of chaos and annihilation.

Uranus: surrender to extreme novelty and the unexpected.

Saturn: surrender of material attachments and the violations of guilt and judgment that block self-love.

What is happening is on schedule, has been expected for a long time, and all is well. May it be a natural composting and not a manipulated and intentionally generated chaos. Let’s continue to inquire into this to be able to see clearly and not be fooled again.


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