
Astrology and Divination
The Air element is all about research and development in the organic growth of the TOTAMS astrological paradigm. We will continue deepening our understanding of the paradigm and the deeper philosophy of divination, and non-predictive approaches not based on cause and effect.
Training and certification in the TOTAMS Astrology Approach will be a primary focus through our course offerings and Certification tracks. Ongoing events, such as webinars and monthly calls, will continue the flow of ancient wisdom and updated teachings to our core membership and newcomers. The events, new website content (including videos and articles), and the newsletter will keep all interested parties up to date with the current astrological news.
There will also be an ongoing exploration of the relationship between TOTAMS and other astrological organizations. In addition, TOTAMS membership and sales of value-adding products for students, stargazers, and astrologers will offer a closer relationship to both the school and the night sky.

Libra, Capricorn and Scorpio Mystery Schools - Daniel's Vlogcast #1:
Aries and Gemini Mystery Schools - Daniel Vlogcast #2
Aquarius and Taurus Mystery Schools - Daniel Vlogcast #4
Deciphering the Jupiter – Saturn Great Mutation: Is this the “Divine Conjunction?” - Vlogcast #5
Virgo & Pisces Mystery Schools - Daniel Giamario's Vlogcast #7
What is going on with the chart of the US? - Daniel's Vlogcast #9
Sagittarius and Leo Mystery Schools - Daniel's Vlogcast #10
Masculine Aries in Underworld - Daniel's Vlogcast #12
Cosmology of the Turning of the Ages with Daniel Giamario
A Shamanic Look at the Turning of the Ages
by Daniel Giamario, article edited by Cayelin K Castell Author's note: The original form of this article appeared in the second edition of the, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook, co-written by Cayelin K Castell*. The essence of this information, developed in the late...
The Difference Between Signs and Constellations
And Why Both are Important by Cayelin K Castell And we now have a New YouTube mini-teaching (15 minutes) on this issue with great visuals that explains this even more! Signs and constellations are not the same thing. The confusion occurs because a time long ago when...
Why We Use Signs and Love the Constellations
by Daniel Giamario, founder of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm As a lead up to our upcoming Cosmology Intensive, October 7-9, 2014 in Sahuarita, south of Tucson Arizona, I am sharing some thoughts on the always fascinating understandings and misunderstandings...
The 12 Gods of the Masculine (Mars)
by Daniel Giamario Within the Shamanic Astrology paradigm, Mars symbolizes the Masculine principle in both men and women, and Venus symbolizes the Feminine. We can all pretty much agree that the gender roles that we grew up with in our culture, are useless especially...
Mars in Libra
by Daniel Giamario Some initial thoughts With the imminent Mars/Sun opposition on April 8, 2014, heralding the beginning of a new synodic cycle of Mars, it’s time to consider the implications. Mars entered Libra on December 7, 2013, and remains in Libra until July 25,...
Reading List
Curated resources chosen by TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario to further illuminate your understanding of the Air Element.
Air Reading List
Astrology, Astronomy and Divination Books
- Dane Rudhyar books: All his books are truly foundational to the Paradigm
- American Ephemeris for the 20th Century 1900-2000 At Midnight Revised 5th Edition by Neil F. Michelsen
- American Ephemeris for the 21st Century 2001-2050 At Midnight Revised 2nd Edition by Neil F. Michelsen
- The New American Ephemeris for the 21st Century 2000-2100 at Midnight Michelsen Memorial Edition
- Jean Meeus: I totally recommend all his reference books.
- Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarness
- Anthroposophy and Astrology by Elizabeth Vreede
- Esoteric Astrology and The Labors of Hercules by Alice Bailey
- The Gods Of Change by Howard Sasportass
- Myths of the Zodiac by Kathleen Burt
- Liz Greene: Relating is a good one to start with. The Astrology of Fate is also useful.
- Demetra George: Any of her books before her dive into Hellenistic astrology. Great mythological and matriarchal-oriented works.
- Mark Jones: Any of his books
- The Moment of Astrology by Geoffery Cornelius – One of the greatest astrology books ever written.
- Essays on Astrology by Robert Hand – Includes his great research on the precession through the stars of the Fish (Pisces).
Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy Books
- Walking in All of the Squares: A Biography of Alexander Thom by Archibald Thom
- Dark Sparklers: Yidumduma’s Aboriginal Astronomy by Hugh Cairns and Bill Harney
- The Dawn of Astronomy by J. Norman Lockyer
- Megalithic Sites in Britain by Alexander Thom
- Robin Heath: All his books are recommended; he is the true successor to Alexander Thom. His biography of Thom is excellent as well as his work on sacred geometry, the “silver fraction” and the Wales origin of Stonehenge, and so much more.
- Living The Sky by Ray Williamson
- Tony Aveni books: Especially Empires Of Time and Conversations With the Planets
- Astronomy and the Imagination and Sky Phenomena by Norman Davidson – These books were highly influential in influencing the TOTAMS paradigm from the perspective of Astrosophy.
- Movement and Rhythms of the Stars by Joachim Schultz – This is also a fantastic view of astronomy from the perspective of Astrosophy.
- Hamlet’s Mill by Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha Von Dechend – This is essential reading, a monumentally brilliant work that inspired so many of us.
- Myth of Replacement by Thomas Worthen – This is a brilliant, but little-known, follow-up to Hamlet’s Mill.
- Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning by Richard Allen – An essential reference.
- Star Trek to Hawa-ii by Clyde Hostetter – One of the most influential books of my life. It inspired the Venus synodic cycle research.
- Thomas Lekson: all of his books, but particularly The Chaco Meridian.

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