
Ceremony, Global Shamanism, and Sacred Sites
Examples of the Earth element include the Matrilineal Indigenous Wisdom, Central and South American Shamanic and Medicine Traditions, Celtic Shamanism, Ceremonial Magic, Priestess and Priest Circles, and Vision Quest Traditions.
This branch’s studies and research include indigenous and earth-based traditions around the world. Invariably, most of these groups still emphasize ceremony and a living organic relationship with the As Above, So Below realities, but they may no longer have direct knowledge or relationship with the night sky.
The TOTAMS ceremonial approach, including knowledge and experience of the night sky, synodic planetary cycles, and the Galactic Alignment are offerings that can support these groups. This includes working with stone circles, petroglyph sites, and taking journeys to sacred sites, cosmograms, and hierophanies in the US and around the world.
List of United States Sacred Sites and Hierophanies important to the development of TOTAMS
These are sites explored and experienced between 1981-2023 by the Turning of
the Ages Mystery School and its precursors, the Shamanic Astrology Mystery
School and the Harbingers of the Turning of the Ages.
Mt. Shasta: Where it all started on a vision quest by Daniel Giamario in 1981.
Every year through 1989, Daniel took groups first to so-called Squaw Valley and
later into Clear Creek Valley. Many solo trips followed.
Joshua Tree National Monument: Numerous solo trips and taking small groups
to the Wonderland of Rocks. The birthplace of the Harbingers of the Turning of
the Ages, the first wave of TOTAMS, and the initial downloads of what today is
the TOTAMS Astrological Paradigm.
Haleakala Crater, Maui: For three decades, Daniel did as many as 50 backpack
trips, either solo, or taking small groups. Fantastic night sky and profound silence.
Mauna Loa, Hawaii Island: A number of treks to the cabin at the top with groups
in the 1990’s.
Kalalau Valley, Kauai: Daniel trekked here solo once in 1970, and took groups
three times in the 1980’s and 90’s. A very special place.
Big Horn Medicine Wheel, Wyoming: One short visit to a really amazing site on
Medicine Mountain, still used as a vision quest site.
Chimney Rock, Colorado: A lunar standstill site and Chaco Canyon outlier, first
visited by Daniel in 1987. He was there in 2005 to see the Lunar Standstill Moon
pass through the chimneys.
Rainbow Bridge, Utah: Two hiking and camping adventures in the 1980’s to the
remote Rainbow Bridge on Lake Powell
Serpent Mound and Ft. Ancient Mound, Ohio: Visits by Daniel and Vivian Hurley.
Fish Lake Valley, Nevada: Located by Daniel in the late 1990’s, this is a large
petroglyph site and a complete hierophany, with unlimited alignments.
Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: Several astrological vision quest groups held here in
the 1980’s and 90’s.
Mimbres River Valley, New Mexico: On the Chaco Meridian, and place of many
petroglyphs. Daniel lived here in the late 1990’s. Nearby is Faywood Hot Springs,
where Daniel designed a large stone circle. Numerous gatherings of the Shamanic
Astrology Mystery School, the second wave of TOTAMS, were held here in the
2000’s. Visits and events here continue to this day.
Numerous SAMS gathering were held here in the late 1990’s through early 2010’s.
A truly magical place, great for small groups and solo adventures.
Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona: Unspoiled Mountains in Southeast Arizona, and
the site of a lot of 1990’s and early 2000’s SAMS gatherings.
Sedona, Arizona: Numerous small Harbingers and SAMS groups held here in the
1980’s through early 2000’s, in particular at really special Shaman’s Cave just west
of town,
Sears Point, Arizona: Massive petroglyph site with lots of archaic 10.000 years
old samples. Several visits. One of a kind location with places to camp.
Organ Pipe National Monument, Southern Arizona: A favorite place for Daniel
for solo adventures. Also several groups held here in the 1990’s.
List of International Sacred Sites Important to the Development of TOTAMS
These are the sites where the school since 1981 has held events and where Daniel Giamario has done research and had personal experience. Some events were held as part of Renaissance of the Sacred events.
Callanish stone circle complex: I have conducted many groups here, as well as research journeys. One of my top three places of inspiration and the greatest Lunar Standstill site on the planet.
Island of Iona: I have conducted four journeys to Iona, a magical place and it is the ancient location of Avalon.
Kilmartin Valley: I have conducted four journeys to this magical area of Argyll, a land of many stone circles and rows, ancient Pictish rock art and the original location of Camelot.
Avebury and Wiltshire: The largest stone circle complex in the UK, and also the most welcoming. We have held three events here. The whole Wiltshire area is also crop-circle heaven.
Penbrokshire: One trip conducted here, as well as a great personal adventure including walking the Golden Way. The magical West Coast of Wales, rich with dolmens and sacred landscape, and the bluestone quarries.
Newgrange: Several conducted groups and a number of other adventures to Ireland’s most famous ancient monument.
Sligo area: Several conducted groups and a number of other adventures to my favorite area of Ireland; home to Carrowmore, Carowkeel and Knocknarea, Queen Maeve’s Mound.
The Dingle Peninsula: Wild and ancient country, host to several groups, and where I wrote my second book.
Evora and Almendres Cromlech: We conducted a Cosmology course here, and I also explored over sacred sites all over Portugal including the Templar site of Montsanto.
Hypogeum and the whole range of megalithic monuments: I spent a week there with a small group exploring megalithic monuments as old as 6000BCE.
Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca,Cusco and Sacred Valley: Three group tours to this powerful area over the years.
Nazca lines: One trip to this unusual desert location.
Tiahuanaco: Several group tours t this ancient megalithic city, possibly 12,000 years old. One trip included a journey to the Altiplano for a total Solar Eclipse.
The Pyramids, the Sphinx, Siwa Oasis, Karnac, Amarna and other Egyptian wonders: One trip of adventure and discovery.
Gobekli Tepe: One amazing tour to this 12,000 year old site, which included journeys to Sanlurfa, Sabian sites, Istanbul, Izmar, and Troy.
Canada de la Virgin: A number of trips to the recently excavated step pyramid near San Miguel de Allende , extensively studied by Archaeoastronomers.
Tula Venus Temple: A large temple complex dedicated to the heliacal rise of Venus.
Pacquime, Casas Grandes: The final stage of the Chaco Culture, along the Chaco Meridian, in the Northern Province of Chihuahua, not far from where I lived in the Mimbres River Valley, near Faywood Hot Springs.
Teotihuacan Pyramids: Several trips to this really famous and often visited cosmological ceremonial site.
Gunung Padang: One journey of adventure and discovery to this 22,000 year old megalithic ceremonial site.
Agawa Stone Calendar: Several adventures to a remote ancient stone calendar near Sagada in the Mountain Province of the Cordilliera of Northern Luzon.

The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, What?...Again? - Daniel's Vlogcast #3
What Makes Shamanic Astrology Shamanic? - Daniel's Vlogcast #8
The Further Adventures of Shamanic Astrology - Episode 1 Gobekli Tepe
Lunar Standstill Seminars, Free Preview with Daniel Giamario and Gemini Brett
Faywood Hot Springs Stone Circle Guided Tour
Photo Gallery of Sacred Sites
The Earth Mysteries Movement
May 4, 2023 | by Vivian Hurley | The Living Earth The concept of a living earth is nearly universal throughout the world, a part of a consistent system of knowledge known as the Ancient Wisdom. It is found in the mythologies of ancient civilizations, in the mystical...
Welcome Ceremonialist and Shamanic Practitioners
Our mission in this area is to support indigenous and earth-based traditions around the world. Invariably, most of these groups still emphasize ceremony and a living organic relationship with the As Above, So Below realities but they may no longer have direct...
Ceremonial Ways to Connect with Cycles and Seasons
The Magic of Ceremony by Cayelin K Castell (This was originally written in 2008 and recently updated in May of 2015) When we engage in ceremony during special astronomical events like Solstices, Equinoxes, any New or Full Moon, or any rare planetary and/or stellar...
June Solstice Sun on the Galactic Cross
by Cayelin K Castell An ancient "School of Prophets" understood much about the cosmos and used natural time-cycles to mark out the course of history. For them the cosmos seemed somehow much closer and more relevant than it does today. Among other things they believed...
Shamanic Astrology As Ceremony and Direct Experience
By Daniel Giamario After many years now of co-hosting our Shamanic Astrology monthly membership calls with Cayelin about current astrological and astronomical events, we have noticed a certain pattern of feedback. Usually it’s in the camp of one or both of these two...
Reading List
Curated resources chosen by TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario to further illuminate your understanding of the Earth Element.
Earth Reading List
Sacred Sites, Native American, Mayan, Shamanism, Global Earth Traditions
- 2012: Science and Prophesy of the Ancient Maya by Marc Van Stone
- Maya Cosmos by Linda Schele
- The Kivas of Heaven: Ancient Hopi Starlore and The Orion Zone by Gary David
- The History of the Hopi from their Origins in Lemuria by Oswald Whitebear Fredricks
- Sky Shamans of Mongolia by Kevin Turner
- Voices of the First Day: Awakening in the Aboriginal Dreamtime by Robert Lawlor
- Secrets of the Talking Jaguar by Martin Prechtel
- The Memory Code: The Secrets of Stonehenge, Easter Island, and Other Ancient Monuments by Lynne Kelly – An essential new approach to what ancient sacred sites were all about.
- Out of Australia by Steven and Evan Strong – New evidence arguing that original humans are from Australia, not Africa.
Polynesia and Hawaii
- Tales from the Night Rainbow by Koko Willis and Pali Jaelee
- We, The Navigators: The Ancient Art of Land Finding in the Pacific by David Lewis
- Na Inoa Hoku by Rubelite Kawena Johnson
Ireland, England, and Scotland
- The Discovery of the Dingle Diamond by C.P.R. May
The Sacred Mythological Centers of Ireland and Sun Circles of Ireland by Jack Roberts - The Stones of Time: Calendars, Sundials, and Stone Chambers of Ancient Ireland by Martin Brennan
- Anthony Murphy books: Newgrange: Monument to Immortality, Mythical Ireland: New Light on the Ancient Past, and Island of the Setting Sun: In Search of Ireland’s Ancient Astronomers (with Richard Moore)
- The Silbury Treasure: The Great Goddess Rediscovered and The Avebury Cycle by Michael Dames
- The King Arthur Conspiracy by Simon Andrew Stirling – This will overturn a lot of your beliefs about Arthur.
- Finding Arthur: the Truth behind the Legend and Finding Merlin by Adam Ardrey
Alternative and Esoteric History and Cosmology
- John Major Jenkins books: All his books including, but not limited to, Galactic Alignment and Mayan Cosmogenisis 2012.
Earth Under Fire and Genesis of the Cosmos by Paul La Violette - Stan Gootch books: All his books, but especially Guardians of the Ancient Wisdom and Total Man.
- Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas books: All their books, but especially Uriel’s Machine and Civilization One.
- Zecharia Sitchen books: Particularly The Cosmic Code, The Lost Realms, and The Twelfth Planet.
- Dawn Before the Dawn by Geoffrey Ashe
- The Farfarers by Farley Mowat
- Earth Memory by Paul Devereaux
- The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye by Weidner and Bridges
- The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries by David Ulansey
- Twelve-Tribe Nations: Sacred Number and the Golden Age by John Mitchell and Christine Rhone
- Robert Bauval books: I would recommend everything he has ever written – so very many great books!
- Graham Hancock books: I recommend everything by him, especially his latest, America Before.
- Andrew Collins books: Denisovan Origins, The Cygnus Key, The Cygnus Mystery, and Gobekli Tepe are very much recommended.
- The Master Game by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval – A masterwork from two “masters”.
- Odysseus and the Sea Peoples and Linguistic Archeology by Edo Nyland – Brilliant and controversial, but I believe he was onto something important.
- Eden in the East by Stephen Oppenheimer – So essential to understanding the Sundaland hypothesis.
- Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found by Arysio Santos – This is one of the most important books ever written about Sundaland and Atlantis.
- Sir Lawrence Gardner books: So many amazing books. I particularly recommend The Magdeline Legacy, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Genesis of the Grail Kings, and The Origin of God.

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