Capricorn Lunation  ·  Second Quarter

by Silvianne K. Delmars | Jan 6, 2025 |


Our lunation week begins with a sparky Second Quarter Moon in Aries on January 6 and ends with a magical Cancer Full Moon on January 13. Here are the highlights (all times in PST).



Monday, January 6


Leading up to this afternoon’s Second Quarter Moon in pioneering Aries squaring the Sun in Capricorn, we have Mars entering Cancer in the very early morning, returning to the sign that will set the tone for the new 25-months synodic cycle journey beginning just around the corner, on January 15.

We are at the first decision point of the current moon cycle, when we are being asked to bring our enthusiastic commitment to the intentions we set during the Capricorn New Moon, a powerful seed point for the entire year to come. Is my heart (not just my head) satisfied with intentions I set for the coming pivotal year of change? If not, how can I bring more spontaneous passion into the mix, ensuring successful, satisfying manifestations as the months unfold?


Tuesday, January 7


Leo overstory Venus in Pisces, having opened the 6th Chakra gate portal last week, continues to beckon us as she hangs high and bright in the evening sky towards the west, steadily approaching next week’s impending encounter with Saturn. She will be reaching her maximum elongation from the Sun on the evening of January 9, in just a couple of days.

The current 19-months Venus synodic cycle is moving towards its close over the next few months. Time to take stock of what we have learned, personally and collectively, during this archetypal integration journey through radical creativity and a more deeply-sourced sense of what it means to be a sovereign being in this time of chaos and uncertainty.


Wednesday, January 8


Sagittarius overstory Mercury enters Capricorn today, marking the first sign change as this fast-moving planet of communication continues its Apollo morning star phase. Truth-seeking Mercury is being given the opportunity to ground its vision in earthy Capricorn, bringing ideas into more concrete form.  Mercury will be growing harder to see in the morning sky, as it heads for its first guardian of the threshold phase next week, when it will come within 15 degrees of the Sun.


Thursday, January 9


The Moon is making its monthly conjunction with Uranus in Taurus early this morning, calling us to an unfettered appreciation of eccentric beauty, wherever it may cross our path. Dare to be different and to support others who chose to do the same.

Over the next few days, the waxing gibbous Moon will be moving through the area of the sky out by the galactic edge. Look for it this evening in the east as it passes near the Pleiades star cluster. On the east coast and midwest of the US the Moon will be seen to occult some of the southernmost stars of this Seven Sisters grouping (the alignment will be happening in twilight on the west coast, and therefore will not be observable).


Friday, January 10


This evening, the waxing out-of-bounds Moon, having passed the Pleiades, will form a horizontal alignment with Capella (in the Auriga constellation), and Jupiter and Aldebaran (the eye of the Bull constellation). The Moon-Jupiter conjunction is exact mid-afternoon at 12 Gemini 17.

The Sabian Symbol for this Gemini 13 degree frequency is, “A famous pianist giving a concert performance.” It speaks to us of aspiring to our highest level of attainment so that we may inspire others as well. James Burgess writes,

“when we can find the confidence and inspiration to walk our own path, creative and free, we become a source of inspiration for others who cannot.”


Saturday, January 11


The North Node passes the zero Aries point this afternoon, as the nodal axis leaves Aries/Libra and moves on into Pisces/Virgo for the next year and a half. This is a potent seed point for an ongoing emphasis on powerful Aries/Pisces activations over the coming months, including both Neptune and Saturn moving from Pisces into Aries, and their respective meet-ups with the North Node.

We are being tasked to actively launch ourselves fully into the world, courageously following the path forged by our intuition, refusing to compromise in our defence of what we know to be right in our innermost being.

And, at the same time, we are being submerged in an incoming tidal wave of new Light frequencies that blurs boundaries and upends old definitions sourced in false dichotomies of right and wrong, good and bad, self and other. A conundrum of cosmic proportions, to be sure. But one that our souls signed up for in choosing to incarnate here on Earth at this unprecedented time of both chaos and opportunity.


Sunday, January 12


The bright waxing gibbous Moon reaches its extreme out of bounds north position today. It will rise around sunset and can be seen traveling all night just above the stars Castor and Pollux, at the feet of the Twins constellation, with red Mars lined up just below. Mars is closest to Earth today, approaching opposition in just a few days, when it will rise as the Sun is setting.


Monday, January 13


The Full Moon, at 24 Cancer 00, makes its exact opposition with the Sun in Capricorn at 2:27 pm PST, very near Mars, just below Castor and Pollux. The Moon and Mars will make their exact conjunction a few hours later, visible in the evening sky looking east. In some parts of North America and northwest Africa, the Moon will actually be seen to occult (pass in front of) Mars.

This is a powerful activation of this archetypal sacred masculine planet and an invitation to tune in to his wisdom as he prepares to birth a whole new 25-months synodic cycle in nurturing Cancer. Time to let go of outmoded, insular definitions of family and tribe, as we dream along with Mars into the creation of a truly inclusive, more life-supporting, global vision of belonging.


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