by Silvianne K. Delmars | Jan 12, 2025 |
Our lunation week begins with an emotionally charged Cancer Full Moon on January 13 and ends with the Last Quarter Moon in uncompromising Scorpio. Here are the highlights (all times in PST).
Monday, January 13
The still out-of-bounds Full Moon, at 24 Cancer 00, makes its exact opposition with the Sun in Capricorn at 2:27pm PST, very near Mars, just below Castor and Pollux. The Moon and Mars will make their exact conjunction a few hours later, visible in the evening sky looking east. In some parts of North America and northwest Africa, the Moon will actually be seen to occult (pass in front of) Mars. More info on than in Daniel’s Wizard Weekly article here.
This is a powerful activation of Mars as he prepares to birth a whole new 25-month synodic cycle in nurturing Cancer over the next couple of days. Time to let go of any allegiance to outmoded versions of family structure, as we dream along with Mars into the creation of a truly inclusive, more life-supporting, New Earth vision of authentic masculine nurturing.
Tuesday, January 14
Leo overstory Venus in Pisces, having opened the 6th Chakra gate portal on Jan 3, continues to shine high and bright in the evening sky, steadily approaching this week’s encounter with Saturn, among the stars of the Waterbearer constellation. She will be making a square to Jupiter, exact just before noon today, and strikingly visible after sunset as Venus hangs high in the west and Jupiter high in the east.
This is a great timing for tuning in to this 90-degree relationship, as these bright planets draw our attention to the royal stars Fomalhaut (in the mouth of the Fish constellation, low on the horizon just below Venus and Saturn), and Aldebaran (the red eye of the Bull constellation near generous Jupiter). What information might these magical stars, in combination with these two brightest planets, have for us at this time of deep transformation? This is a wonderful opportunity to tune in and find out!
Wednesday, January 15
Retrograde Mars in Cancer reaches exact opposition to the Sun in Capricorn today, as the Earth passes between Mars and the Sun. This is the period when Mars appears closest and brightest. It also marks the beginning of an entirely new 25-month synodic cycle, inviting a global deep-dive into new expressions of the authentic masculine version of archetypal Cancer.
There is an added potency to this archetypal initiation, coming so close on the heels of the watery Full Moon in Cancer, and last week’s nodal axis shift into Pisces/Virgo, unfolding a new global template over the next year and a half, sourced in sacred service based on new levels of ecstatic union with All That Is.
We are being urged in no uncertain terms to give ourselves full permission to feel the feelings – both joy and grief, anger and compassion – all the feelings, without judgment or censorship. They exist deep within all of us, longing to come to the surface. They will inevitably have their say, on a conscious or an unconscious level.
There is a heightened ability in this cosmic moment to make a truly transformational choice – to bring to the light, in acceptance and compassion, that which is ready to be felt and released, so that it may contribute to our own deeper healing and that of the collective, rather than continuing to fester deep within, adding to the burden of thousands of years of dis-ease and suffering, cutting us off from awareness of our authentic selves.
Thursday, January 16
The waning gibbous Moon can be seen to pass by Regulus from Jan 15-16 in the evening sky. This royal star is the beating heart of the Lion constellation, rising in the late evening to the east and visible until dawn. On Jan 15, look for the Moon in the ‘sickle’, or the head of the Lion, passing Regulus by Jan 16 and moving on into the body of the Lion.
Friday, January 17 – Saturday, January 18
Saturn and Venus, currently in the zodiac sign of Pisces, will be visible very close together tonight and tomorrow night, high in the western sky after sunset. Their conjunction is exact on the evening of Jan 18 (PST), in the stars of the Waterbearer.
As the planet of the archetypal feminine, currently at the Brow Chakra gate, continues through the last stages of her evening star ascent phase, swimming through the mystical seas of Pisces, she is meeting up with the planet of structure and limitations. We may be tempted to resist the restriction and frustration this combo can bring – feeling that we are being taxed with practical considerations just when we most want to fly high into the world of heartfelt spiritual insight.
But what if we choose to reframe this alchemical mix, embracing the supportive structure that Saturn offers to bring our higher frequency insights into our everyday lives in a new ways we never even could have imagined with our past selves? Time to dream big, and dig deep, to find the essential part of ourselves that has faith in our ability to manifest those dreams, in the here and now, knowing that the fulfillment of own heart’s desire is the very elixir most needed by a world in turmoil.
Sunday, January 19
The Sun makes its yearly entrance into the zodiac sign of Aquarius today. Time to take the ideas planted in the depths of last month’s Capricorn solstice gestational seed point, and water them with the Aquarius penchant for the big picture view – what is our highest vision for ourselves as we navigate this year of profound change? What innovative practices can we implement to expand our consciousness in support of our seed-vision for this coming year?
Monday, January 20
Over the next two days, Jan 20-21, the Moon passes close by Spica, brightest star in the constellation of the Virgin Priestess, rising around midnight and visible through dawn, looking towards the south. In the Cape Verde islands, parts of west and south Africa, and south Madagascar the Moon can be seen to occult Spica. This is a potent opportunity to tune in to this star and constellation long-associated with the mysteries of the Great Mother, currently informing the zodiac sign of relational Libra.
Early tomorrow morning (PST) the Sun will make its yearly conjunction with Pluto, exact at 01 Aquarius 42. The Sun in the zodiac sign of expanded consciousness is being asked to plunge to the darkest depths, as well as ascend to the rarefied heights. What shadow elements in our own psyche are we being asked to acknowledge and explore?
Tuesday, January 21
The Last Quarter Moon at 02 Scorpio 03 squares the Sun in Aquarius, exact today as 12:31pm PST. We have reached the final turning point of this earthy Capricorn lunation, invited to review the ground we have traversed over the last three weeks since the New Moon. Time to celebrate all that has been accomplished, as we begin to let go of what is no longer needed in preparation for the cycle set to begin at next week’s New Moon in evolutionary Aquarius.
What are the most important lessons we have learned, to take with us as we journey deeper into the unknown territory of this year of unprecedented change? As the waves of transformation continue to propel us forward in a seemingly chaotic sea toward an uncertain destination, it has never been more important to take the time to go within and make contact with our unerring inner navigational beacon.
Although sometimes faint, the signal is always there, longing to guide us safely to a distant shore. Our job is to tune out the outer noise as we hone our inner ear. As we do, the signal will become ever clearer, steering us away from the perils of a rocky shore to a brand new, more fertile land that our soul will recognize as its true Home.