Reflections on Calendars, Sacred Festivals And The Turning Of The Ages by Daniel Giamario in 1998 Updated by Cayelin Castell in 2019 Winter Solstice December 21, 2019 is 8:20 pm PST. See this 4 minute Video on the December Solstice and the Galactic Cross at Galactic...
by Daniel Giamario The Historical and Cosmological Origins of Shamanic Astrology Part One See Part Two Here Second Theme – The Roots of Shamanic Astrology, Cosmology and Philosophy including fascinating DNA Research Beyond my personal journey, there has been a...
by Daniel Giamario The Historical and Cosmological Origins of Shamanic Astrology Part 2 – Part 1 is HERE I have recently returned from three truly fantastic months in Ireland researching, adventuring and writing. My home base during this time was in a sweet and...
by Cayelin K Castell Our zeitgeist whispers that the planet is alive; that spirituality is based far more in the body and the earth than we’ve conceived in centuries; and that to sustain ourselves, we must live more simply, more cooperatively, and bend our energy...
by Daniel Giamario Since August 1984, I have now been to the Callanish Complex on the outer Hebridean Island of Lewis 9 times. That means it has been an entire Saturn cycle since I first heard about the “Great Shining Ones” and the “Moon walking on the land”. Thirty...
By Daniel Giamario Lynne and I just spent nearly a month on Bali. This was our first visit to Bali and it was amazing. We had the opportunity to visit Danau (formerly Sao), a certified Shamanic Astrologer who recently moved there. I also had the opportunity to visit...