Gemini Venus Cycle: Finding Our Wings At the Edge Between Worlds

The Gemini Meta Goddess has been our psychopomp or soul guide for our collective descent and renewal journey through 2020-21.  She has been guiding us through the most critical years at the heart of the Great Turning where we are called to simultaneously act as death...

Capricorn New Moon – January 2020

By Levi Banner The new moon on January 13 is in the sign of Capricorn. The moon always meets the sun at a new moon and this time it’s very close to the very place in the sky that the major conjunctions of 2020 happened with Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. Yikes! Perhaps...

A Moon to Celebrate

Skywatcher’s Corner for October 2020 highlighting the Full Moon in Aries from J Awen Labow It’s fall here in the Northern hemisphere with a big, bright Full Moon making its light available to help extend the hours available for harvest. This may not be the way...

Skywatcher’s Guide

by J. Awen Labow June/July, 2020 Season of Arcturus “Star light, star bright; the first star I see tonight!” And so it is that each night as the sun drops below the horizon and the light of day begins to dim, the brightest stars in our night sky are the first that can...

Script & Archetypes Event in Bali Completed

The in-person Shamanic Astrology Training in Bali was a success! We were a self-isolated group of fairly young people with thriving health, able to carry out our studies without too much restriction. In a place where there is less fear and sickness than many other...

As Above So Below, As Within So Without

by Dana Zia I started studying Astrology in the late 80s after meeting Daniel Giamario and receiving my first reading from him. At that time, he was living in Maui and was teaching one day classes on different aspects of this paradigm. I loved those classes! His way...