by Sheridan Semple I’ll admit it, I’ve been a judger. I’m not proud of it, but thankfully Shamanic Astrology is challenging me to do better… much better. Even as I began to write, I was embroiled in judgment and felt so hypocritical writing this article. Then, I...
We are glad you are here! Our mission is to assist all helping and healing professions with these life changing tools, including but not limited to: psychologists, counselors, coaches, naturopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists, energy workers, massage therapists,...
When life isn’t Fair there is hope…and another way to look at it! Healthy Saturn is necessary in any system as it is responsible for structure and form. Life without the Saturn principle would be similar to the experience of always being on a large dose of...
by Daniel Giamario, originator of Shamanic Astrology This article is a follow-up to last month’s offering entitled Shamanic Astrology is Not Predictive. I have recently been rereading and reconnecting to some of my original sources of inspiration and guidance from...
(Includes thoughts on the Election) By Daniel Giamario I have recently been hearing that some folks have lost faith in astrology because the vast majority of astrologers had “predicted” a Clinton victory. For example, at the recent ISAR Astrology Conference (where I...
by Daniel Giamario Most everyone in contemporary culture is wired to look outside themselves for completion, wholeness, and happiness. There is a longing to find the magical “other”, the soulmate, the twin flame, the beloved. This is not a criticism of this longing,...