Jan 4, 2023 | by Erik Roth | The Earth’s orbit is not a perfect circle. There is one day where it reaches its closest point to the Sun and a day at its farthest point. Perihelion is when our blue jewel of a planet comes to its nearest point and that day...
Jan 4, 2023 | by Sheridan Semple | It’s official! We’re into a new year! I love that “wiped the slate clean” feeling. What do you want to create in this new year for yourself? How does astrology support you in being more you? Astrology is all about why you’re here!...
Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for Certified TOTAMS Astrologersand Council Members Introduction The Turning of the Ages Mystery School (TOTAMS) Code of Professional Conduct (hereinafter referred to as the Code) consists of an Introduction and Preamble, and...
What Is a Mystery School? The “Mystery” in the expression “Mystery School” originally and traditionally refers to a special gnosis, or a secret wisdom. Such schools have been dedicated to explore the secrets of Life and to learn the secrets of this hidden knowledge....
Invocation and Expanded Mission Turning of the Ages Mystery School Invocation We honor our ancestors, predecessors, and the prior lineages of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School including, but not limited to: The Ancient Ones; the Greater Shamanic Council of...