Timeless Articles

As Above So Below, As Within So Without

by Dana Zia I started studying Astrology in the late 80s after meeting Daniel Giamario and receiving my first reading from him. At that time, he was living in Maui and was teaching one day classes on different aspects of this paradigm. I loved those classes! His way...

 So, What Exactly Makes it Shamanic? – Part Two

The archetype of shamanism and its expression in Western humans By Beau Taylor I recently came across some brilliant material by a woman who, like many of us in the Shamanic Astrology (SA) paradigm, is often asked in her work to explain what she means by the term...

So, What Exactly Makes it ‘Shamanic’?

Revealing the Magic of the Astrologer-Client Relationship ~ By Beau Taylor February, 2019 If you want to get Shamanic Astrology paradigm founder Daniel Giamario revved up, ask him this question in a Q & A: “So, what exactly makes this form of astrology shamanic?”...

The Evolutionary Path of the Modalities

Culture Bearers, Self-Exploration, In Service to Spirit, Oh My! by Viola Goodwin A unique feature of Shamanic Astrology renames and redefines the modalities from Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable to three new categories that help us better understand these archetypes. In...

The Alchemy of Chiron

by Cayelin K Castell Chiron’s archetypal pattern is most connected to the Shamanic Healer taking us to new edges where our past wounds become the medicine, or gifts, we carry into new territory or new realms of experience. Chiron transits facilitate a Shamanic...

Ceremonial Ways to Connect with Cycles and Seasons

The Magic of Ceremony by Cayelin K Castell (This was originally written in 2008 and recently updated in May of 2015) When we engage in ceremony during special astronomical events like Solstices, Equinoxes, any New or Full Moon, or any rare planetary and/or stellar...

A Deep Look at How Saturn Teaches Us

When life isn't Fair there is hope...and another way to look at it! Healthy Saturn is necessary in any system as it is responsible for structure and form. Life without the Saturn principle would be similar to the experience of always being on a large dose of LSD. This...

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