Founder’s Latest
Lughnasadh and Venus Enters The Underworld
Aug 8, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | The Lughnasadh (Lammas) Cross-Quarter The astronomical and astrological cross-quarter, at 15 Leo, exactly between the June Solstice and the September equinox, occurs on August 7 or 8, depending on which time zone you...
Expanded Awareness by Intent
July 30, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations The Vision Quest Aquarius Full Moon and the Eighth Gate of Venus An extremely rare and unique visionary window is now open from July 20 - August 8, 2023. Its greatest expansion will be...
Venus and Chiron Stationary Retrograde
July 24, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | Two important planetary turning points are happening as we begin the week. Both have multiple areas of significance. Venus On Saturday, July 22, 6:33pm PDT, at 28Leo35 and quite near the Lion Heart Star Regulus, Venus stationed...
The Extraordinary Cancer New Moon
July 15, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | The Cancer New Moon is exact on Monday, July 17, at 11:32am PDT. The dark of the Moon lasts about three days, with the first visible tiny crescent New Moon not appearing until Tuesday evening at dusk. Soon after is the...
The Faywood Hot Springs Stone Circle
July 15, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | Most all who journey to Faywood Hot Springs become aware of an enigmatic Stone Circle positioned atop the nearby hill. And many wonder: How did it get there? Who built it – and why? What might its intended purpose be? Was it some...
Spotlight on Mercury and Venus/Mars Highlights
July 10, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | We haven’t checked in on Mercury for a while. Now is a good time for a number of reasons: Mercury is slowly appearing just above the west/northwestern evening horizon, now at magnitude -0.9....
Venus at Her Brightest
July 7, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | On Friday and Saturday night, just after sunset, you can witness Venus at her greatest brightness, in her evening star phase. Blazing at -4.7 magnitude, she will now start separating from Mars, following their closest approach of...
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new world at this time of the Turning of the Ages!