Founder’s Latest

Venus Conjuncts Jupiter and Moon Conjuncts Mars and Aldebaran

Feb 27, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | Venus and Jupiter Venus passes within 0.5 degrees of Jupiter on Wednesday evening, March 1, at 9:36pm PST. This will be a spectacular sight after sunset in the evening sky, well placed for North American viewers. Venus at -4.0...

The Pisces New Moon and the Third Chakra Gate of Venus

Feb 20, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | The Pisces New Moon happened on Sunday at 11:06pm PST. This was soon followed by the ingress of Venus into Aries at 11:56pm PST. These are excellent harbingers for the remarkable coming events. One focus involves the Jupiterian...

Considerations of The Week

Feb 13, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | On my mind and in my awareness this week are the Sun/Saturn Conjunction near the US Moon, at the same time as an extreme Out-of-Bounds Moon, as well as four events on my calendar. Sun conjunct Saturn on the US Moon with an extreme...

Is The United States and The World at a Tipping Point?

Spotlight on Mars and Saturn Feb 6, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | There have been many rare and extraordinary astrological and astronomical events over the last 5 years, with many more to come in 2023 and the following years. I think the close connection described here...

Another Moon/Mars Occultation Visible in The US

Jan 30, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario |       The second Moon occultation of Mars in two months that is visible in the United States happens this Monday evening, January 30. The Southern part of the continental US and down through Central...

Moon Joins Venus to Open the Second Gate

Jan 23, 2023 | by Daniel Giamario | After an amazing weekend of stellar events - Uranus stationary direct resulting in all planets direct for 89 days, the Aquarian New Moon, and the strong Venus/Saturn conjunction - yet another auspicious event is unfolding in the...

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